Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

February 25, 2011

Saturday February 19th

On this day we had Baby Mason's baby shower... Olivia dressed up and looked adorable... Everett wore his Pug shirt and did a great job and Grandma Rosie came with us. We got them a hamper, outfit, toys and photo album. Mitch & Kelly are going to be great parents!!!
I also finally put up Everett's name in his room. It looks FANTASTIC!!! Everett has also stated to notice Fisher our Lab.... he gets excited when he sees him enter the room or walk by.

Princess Dress and paints.... Girly Girl

On this day Olivia wanted to paint.... so I cleared the kitchen, set her table up and she did a great job. she wore her Princess Cinderella dress and she was so darn cute. She would lift it up as if it was a huge ball gown.... I love her animation and high self esteem.... she is my princess :)

Chillin' While Mommy Cooks Supper

Everett has been doing great at siting up in his highchair. This night he wore his 12 month pjs and chilled while I cooked supper.


Olivia has been playing barbies all the reminds me of myself when I was younger. I probably played barbies far too long.... but love them! Everett and Daddy were in playing too and so I had to get a picture. I was doing dishes that night and it was funny to hear Aaron play barbies with her... every other sentence from Olivia was "Dad don't play like that..... play like this".... its cute!!

6 Months Old

These posts are going to be out of order... but on February 14th Everett turned 6 months old. he weighs 20 lbs 8 oz and is doing fantastic with jar food. He isn't liking the greens too well, but still manages to get it down. I just started meats and the faces he makes are so funny. With me being home full time I have been able to get him into a good routine and he is NOW SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!
He eats cereal at 7:30, bottle and nap at 9 am, lunch at 11 am, bottle and nap at 1 pm and then supper, and finally cereal at around 8 pm and bed. he is doing so great!! The routine/schedule has helped us all out so much.
Everett has also just started to sit on his own. I place the Boppy pillow around him and he does really good. Every now and then he'll lean forward too far and plop over.... but he is getting stronger and stronger every day!!

February 3, 2011

I am back...

So it's been well over 6 weeks since I've posted... wow! I promise to play catch up as much as I can!! Here is a pic from this past Sunday! I love being a mom!!!