Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

May 19, 2011

Choo Choo

We got down some of Olivia's old toys the other day... Everett has a new favorite!!

"I Love My Brother"

Olivia is in love with being a big sister to Everett. They do so well together, playing, eating, bathing and even laughing.... on this day she was holding Everett and said "He's too big now". It was cute. On this day home, Olivia wore her swimsuit all day... girls!!!!!

May 15, 2011

April 27, 2011 - Elmo Live

We had the pleasure of attending Elmo Live once again. It had been 2 years since we were there last and it was a BLAST!!! Olivia was soo excited. Before we went I found a video online for a preview and ever since she saw that she was hooked!! All through out the show she clapped, cheered and sat with her mouth wide open.... it was fun for Aaron and I too. We kept telling her it was Olivia's date night with mommy and daddy!!

April 24, 2011 - Easter Sunday

Big helper Olivia helped Everett with his basket. He was just in aww of it all. We did church and then lunch back with here with my parents. We had a great day and even ventured outside after naps to ride our new golfcart and raced Olivia some in her gator!

April 23, 2011 - Easter Egg Hunt

We decided on the egg hunt last minute...and so glad we did. The weather was beautiful and the kids did great. Olivia and daddy did eggs while Everett and I followed cheering them on. Afterwards Olivia played and and we all enjoyed the sunshine.

April 23, 2011 - The Easter Bunny Came!

Olivia and Daddy went to clean the church the night before Easter. Everett fell asleep early, so I thought I'd play Easter bunny early. I am terrible at keeping gifts until they are to be given. So I got their baskets out and then took eggs, filled with candy and made a trail to the baskets from our garage door. When Olivia came home she was super excited!!! She picked up all the eggs to find her basket.... her "aww look" was priceless!!! She got a fishing pole, Pink Cowgirl boots, swimsuit, flipflops, Cinderella Pez, and lots of candy!! Everett got his basket on Easter morning.... puffs, clothes, and a Tractor Book.

April 12, 2011 - Easter Bunny

As soon as Aaron got home from work we loaded up and ventured to the Ottawa library to see the Easter Bunny. Olivia was all excited until she saw him.... but Everett had no problem :) The pictures speak for htemselves :)