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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

January 26, 2009


Olivia went home early today with Bronchitis. Daddy is taking care of her today and tomorrow... he is on his way back from Findlay, we had to get our Washer looked at. I feel that these past 3 weeks the walls come in pretty darn close... hard to breath at times! She is so weak and sad... I just hate it!

Pushing Our Dazzling Baby Around!

Olivia loves her babies... this one she decided to sit on her stroller since she doesn't fit in it and put beads on her and a small blanket. All better!! This is from Sunday!

There's My Paci!!!

I try to keep Olivia's pacifiers in her crib... I was changing her sheets Friday and she saw them all in there... all 6 of them!! I keep them in there for through the nights he looses one, she can find another one within arms reach! She was going back and forth between the bedroom and the living room most of the day once she found them in there!

Play Date With Paige!

Friday night Brian, Jessica & Paige came over, we ordered Dinos and spent some quality time together! It is so nice to have friends that are experiencing all of these parenting stuff for the first time too. Paige is 2 days older than Olivia! They are expecting again in September! Another baby to love and adore!!

The girls were good after awhile, Olivia wasn't sure about Paige playing with her toys... it was funny! But after a while, they did just fine and played good! We ate yummy pizza and talked about a Vegas Trip once we are not prego together! Maybe 2011? ha ha!

January 19, 2009

Flower Girl Dress

This is Olivia tonight after her bath... tried on her Flower Girl dress for Uncle Jason and Heather's wedding (2/28/09)... fits her perfectly and glad we got the bigger size! She walks good in it and just took my breath away... tears did come to my eyes seeing her walk around in it.... my little girl looking like a princess!!! Love it!

Watching "Horton Hears a Who"

January 11, 2009

Saturday night... a moment of feeling normal!

Saturday Olivia and I were playing in our family room... trying to keep her occupied so she wouldn't remember how bad she feels. I remembered that I have 2 old pairs of glasses from when I was little... so I got out the pink "cat" glasses. They fit her perfect and they have the curved ear pieces for kids so they don't slide off. She only played for a little bit and then daddy came home and we all hung out together until she went to sleep.

Friday... the beginning of the flu!

Well Friday I couldnt' make Olivia happy with anything I tried. She was very cranky and barely ate. Around 1:30 pm she just started throwing up... river like from her mouth. I rushed her to the sink where she finished. She wanted to be held so I was holding her while she sat on the counter and she started to throw up again.... I was so sad for her...she kept crying and dry heaving... I felt terrible for her. She then bathed and napped. From Friday to Sunday morning it was then constant loose stools.... I think this weekend she went through 4 outfits and 12 pairs of pants. A lot of laundry and a lot of snuggling. She plays for a little while and then wants to be held, she plays and then wants to be held... she naps for about 45 minutes 3-4 times a day this weekend. She is drinking plenty of water, milk and pedialyte. She eats very little but I did call the "Call a Nurse" that St. Rita's offers and they confirmed that what I have been doing is correct and as long as she is urinating, producing tears and in a playful mood at times she is okay. She shouldn't have mucus (spelling?) or blood in her stool and shouldn't have more than 10 loose stools a day. Yesterday we were at 8 come time for bed. And already 3 today (10:06 am). She is napping now and will hopefully wake up and eat some chicken, noodles, and carrots from her soup. "Hopfully!!".

January 9, 2009

Sick Olivia

Well I just laid down Olivia, about an hour ago she just starting throwing up. Streaming out like a river. Yesterday at daycare they sent home a girl from Olivia's room and a kid from the Toddler room for having it out of both ends. Now Olivia has it too. I am praying that after her nap she is better. I am going to make her mashed potatoes and some baked chicken... bland as can be. With all the snow and Olivia being sick, it will be a long cold weekend inside.

January 8, 2009

Using our Chair

These posts are so out of order but I've not had time to officially post them in order, but Olivia ahs been using her chair here and there. It is so funny seeing her get into it and then trying to make it rock.

Gel & Blowdryer

We always blow dry Olivia's hair after her bath... especially with it being so cold out. She sits on teh vanity and watches her hair blow around... sometimes makes faces. I tried some gel the one
day and this is what we got.... after her nap it was all gone though. My hair is pretty stick straight and very limp so I am guessing she'll be big into hairspray and teasing, just like her mom!

Hello.... anyone there?

Olivia loves the telephone, wether our cell phone, cordless phone and now our Red Kitchen phone is her fav. She'll walk by and hold her hand out for it. I give it to her once and a while and she'll jabber on it and then give it to me like "it's for you". She is really starting to show her personality.

Table & Chairs

Rosanne got Olivia this table and chair set and it has worked out good for Olivia. I have a few toys sitting on the table and she actually has had a couple of good moments sitting in the chair and playing. Now just to make sure she doesn't stand on them and we'll be good!

Playing with our New Bath Toys

One gift of many from Grandma Rosie was a new bath toy. Olivia usually plays with cups and some of my makeup brushes in the tub and often try to look for bath toys but never seem to find any. Rosanne found this tub with suction cups and it has Elmo and Dorothy (his goldfish) with it. Elmo gets spots and then you can wash them off... Olivia will take her wash cloth and wash him... it is really cute to watch! I've tried a couple of baths with out her seat and she cries.... not sure if it is a comfort thing or what. We'll keep trying here and there to see if it gets better!

Pull Me Around......

This is what Olivia does now, she climbs in her sleigh and then holds out the rope hoping you'll pull her around. I told Aaron we should almost put wheels on it... she is too cute though.... it is hard to say no.