Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

August 15, 2009

Poet Picnic

Tonight we had Aaron's work summer picnic. It was super hot out! They had chicken dinners, ice cream and pop to offer. Olivia did really good. I packed her ham, string cheese, grapes, crackers and gummies of course! I always try and pack because I am just not sure what they will have sometimes when you go places and I am so fussy about what she eats.... meaning sometimes she barely eats a bite and I get worried. So I pack things I know she'll like. She did really good with the other people as well, we tried to jump in this big jumpy thing but she wanted nothing to do with it. A little later in the evening Aaron did take Olivia to the swings and playground stuff... that helped I think. I was starting to get annoyed by the gnats that were everywhere... and always are around your eyes. A little later she got to hold baby Silas.... and she was so excited and did very well. He is 7 months old and when born, he was only 2 lbs and 13 oz. So he has been through a lot and doing very well. Olivia is now saying doggie, kitty, eat, cake, thank you, keys, apple, ball, cheese, pretty, buzz, and mommy. If we play the "where is.... " game she is really good at trying to repeat the snake....she sounds out the "s"... it is really fun!

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