Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

November 19, 2009

11.17.2009 2 Years Old

Today we started out with Chocolate Chip Pancakes... and you guessed it right she wanted nothing to do with the... who doesn't want a pancake with mini chocolate chips in it topped with Whip Cream??? Well at least I tried! We really spent the whole day playing and just being together. We tried a movie, Christmas Carol, TOO SCARY! I even jumped a few times, 40 minutes into it we left... oh well it was only $6.00 for us to see it. All in all I think we had a great day and most importantly Olivia was happy, healthy and now entering the Terrible 2s.....Lord help us! (You'll have to ignore Olivia's Cheese Curl mustache in our pictures.... she was being such a goof in all the pics I had to take them... and then our so-called family picture.... only took 4x to get that one and that was one of the bests....)

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