Since Aaron has to work next weekend we decided to give Olivia her Easter Basket this morning. Well we had a little change of plans because after my mom's Uppercase Living party last night Olivia pulled a 180 on us and wanted to stay over at Nana & Papas. So we let her. So this morning at 9:00 am we went and got her and told her that the Easter Bunny came and brought her presents...she was very excited to get home. She got new Princess PJs, Princess sippy cups, princess underwear, Peeps, Reeses Pieces Carrot, Mini M&Ms, ABC Sesame Street DVD and ABC/123 letters that stick to the tup when wet for bath time...she was super excited for everything Princess!!
A day to day journal of our family's journey through life. We ask for prayers for good health, little stress and extra blessings!
March 27, 2010
March 24, 2010
18 1/2 Week OB Appointment
Yesterday we had the pleasure of another appointment with Dr. Schutz. We brought Olivia with us last minute so she could see where mommy goes and also in preparation for our Ultrasound in 2 weeks that we plan to bring her to.
I have gained a total of 3 lbs, and when I looked back at my 18 wk appt with Olivia I was up 1.6 not too far off.
He found the baby right away, heartrate of around 152. The baby is 2 fingertips below my belly button right now... I feel I look farther along then 18 weeks, but I have never had a 2nd pregnancy.
Afterwards we ate Jac-n-Dos pizza and Olivia ate 2 breadsticks... it was soo good!
April 6th 3:00 pm is our 20 wk Ultrasound! We are NOT finding out the sex :)
I have gained a total of 3 lbs, and when I looked back at my 18 wk appt with Olivia I was up 1.6 not too far off.
He found the baby right away, heartrate of around 152. The baby is 2 fingertips below my belly button right now... I feel I look farther along then 18 weeks, but I have never had a 2nd pregnancy.
Afterwards we ate Jac-n-Dos pizza and Olivia ate 2 breadsticks... it was soo good!
April 6th 3:00 pm is our 20 wk Ultrasound! We are NOT finding out the sex :)
March 22, 2010
Wonderful Weekend!
As I type this, Olivia naps and the house is quiet. My weekend was very nice one... even if the weather was cold and crappy. Friday I had a chiropractor appt at 9:45 am and my mom came over to watch Olivia for me and she brought her a NEW Easter Dress....she loves it! She wore it all day Friday...naps, meals and even after her bath she put it back on. She is so darn cute it in. I'll get a pic posted soon I promise! The Chiro noticed that my left leg was 1 inch longer then the right... causing left hip pain and tailbone pain. He adjusted me and I got a small massage afterwards and was very sore the rest of the weekend...but it was a good sore knowing that it would go away after healing. I go again next Friday to check to see if stayed in place. Afterwards I did groceries and then home for the night. After her nap we ventured to the park for the first time this year. She loved the swings, slides and merry-go-round. She was running everywhere checking out new things... she even noticed the pool and wanted to go in it, but of course it is still closed for the season. We played for over an hour and I still had to carry her away crying... we'll be there alot this summer I am sure!
Olivia is now into Disney movies....we've borrowed Sleeping Beauty and Pinochio from my boss and we go back and forth between the two.... no more Cinderella or Snow White... ha ha! She is so girly girl. She loves Princess Aurora and I think we average 3-4 times a day that we watch it. I got on Ebay the other day and did bid on a few Disney movies but didn't win Aurora... I did get her Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Once they come I know she'll be excited... she loves princesses and their dresses and even dances around in circles when they do.
Saturday we played, and then I had a lunch date in Findlay with my good friend Elan. I haven't seen her since last September and everytime we try to get together it never works I am so EXCITED that it finally worked out. We ate at Olive Garden and it was sooo good. We were there from 12:30 to almost 2:30 pm.... caught up in conversation and yummy food. Mom watched Olivia for me again and they napped together in Nana's bed and she was attached to me once I got home....thinking "you aint leaving me again". We went home afterwards and played...colored... and played babies.
Today we did church with Papa and then lunch at Nana & Papas....sketti~! It was soo good and aftewards home we came...Olivia naps and I have been flip flopping laundry and picking up the house as I can.... my hip is bad today. I can't wait for a few nights with Aaron home. The days he works just seem so long and he misses out on so much!
Tuesday is our next OB 18 week appt! I can't wait... I am anxious, excited, nervous and scared.... lots of praying!!!!!
Olivia is now into Disney movies....we've borrowed Sleeping Beauty and Pinochio from my boss and we go back and forth between the two.... no more Cinderella or Snow White... ha ha! She is so girly girl. She loves Princess Aurora and I think we average 3-4 times a day that we watch it. I got on Ebay the other day and did bid on a few Disney movies but didn't win Aurora... I did get her Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Once they come I know she'll be excited... she loves princesses and their dresses and even dances around in circles when they do.
Saturday we played, and then I had a lunch date in Findlay with my good friend Elan. I haven't seen her since last September and everytime we try to get together it never works I am so EXCITED that it finally worked out. We ate at Olive Garden and it was sooo good. We were there from 12:30 to almost 2:30 pm.... caught up in conversation and yummy food. Mom watched Olivia for me again and they napped together in Nana's bed and she was attached to me once I got home....thinking "you aint leaving me again". We went home afterwards and played...colored... and played babies.
Today we did church with Papa and then lunch at Nana & Papas....sketti~! It was soo good and aftewards home we came...Olivia naps and I have been flip flopping laundry and picking up the house as I can.... my hip is bad today. I can't wait for a few nights with Aaron home. The days he works just seem so long and he misses out on so much!
Tuesday is our next OB 18 week appt! I can't wait... I am anxious, excited, nervous and scared.... lots of praying!!!!!
March 13, 2010
Olivia's Big Girl Bed!!
Yesterday we finally took the mattress off the floor and put it on it's frame. Olivia was sooo excited! She has put all her stuffy's on it and gets on it all the time. We have a side rail that Aaron made and I'll cover in fabric, but we are going to see how she does... last night she never moved and when the mattress was on the floor she never had problems. So time will tell if we put up the side rail. I also took the last picture to show how long her hair is when wet... she was putting her American Girl Doll hat on. A BIG THANKS to Grandma Rosie for buying the bed and Grandpa Coon for painting it black! We love you all!
March 9, 2010
Devin's 4th Birthday Party - 3/6/2010
This was just this past Saturday. Olivia wore this new outfit from Osh Gosh... I bought in Florida and it is a is a little big on her but she saw it hanging in her closet and I thought...sure! She really looked adorable in it. She found a set of smiley face stickers and added them to all her fingers and showed me. Later that day we ventured to Westgate Lanes for Devin's (Travis' girlfriends son) birthday party. He was turning 4. Olivia did a SUPER job at bowling. She did great at pushing the ball and always clapped her hands when the pins would go down. She did great at waiting her turn and she even told Devin "Happy Party" Devin. 

Tri-Pony Tail - 3/4/2010
This is Olivia... eating breakfast???? Yes she chose Applesauce! To try and eliminate tantrums we try to give her 2 options of clothings...foods... activities....etc. She is really starting to get an opinion on what she wants to wear and do, which is fine as long as she stays within the rules set by Mommy and Daddy. I love trying new things with her hair and it is getting so long now. It sits below her shoulder blades now. 
Snowman & Paints - 2/28/2009
We made Chicken Tortilla Soup...and invited Rosanne over. She brought a cooler of snow into my house and I thought....why? And then she started to make Olivia a snowman and at first Olivia was hesitant because she just woke up from a nap... but after Aaron took it outside she was excited to see it and then the dogs knocked it over and she was sad..... Rosanne also brought her some paints and Tinkerbell prints. She loves to paint and I know they do it a lot at daycare...she did great putting the lids back on and keeping her "art area" clean!

Playing "Mom" - 2/26/2010
This was a Friday night... Aaron was going to help set up for the Volunteer Fire Depts. Reverse Auction and I was getting over strep.... so we played babies. Olivia loves loves loves to play babies. She wraps them up in blankets, feeds them, and now I got out some NB diapers and she puts them on her babies and checks for poop. It was a lot of fun to see her jump into "Mom" role!

March 4, 2010
15 Week Ultrasound Appt.
Wednesday 2:00 was our Ultrasound. Kristin (our wonderful tech) came and got us and as always greeted us with a smile. I didn't look right away when she started... I was nervous. But instantly she said "it looks great!". And I looked and there it was... it looked so big. So of course we heard the heartbeat, it was first at 147, way lower then I've ever seen before... and I asked her how big hte baby was, because on the screen it looks so big. So she did some measurements and estimated at about 6 inches from head to toe! As my dad said today, its the size of a small GI Joe... nice! She did some other views, we saw its mouth open and shut, scratch its head, saw its ears, legs, knees, hands, umbilical cord, and even the 4 chambers of its heart. It was just AMAZING! I was tell Kristin how I had some pain on the top of my stomach last weekend and so she moved the wand to the top right side of my stomach, just below my rib cage.... and low and behold "GULSTONES!". It looked like my gullbladder had a bag of skittles in it. So now not only do I need to limit my sugars, but also extremely fatty foods... that will irritate it. I know Sunday I had the worst pain, and probably because I had fried fish, baked potatoe and noodles the night before..... so not healthy!! So I am doing lots of research online as to diets to help keep it "un-infected". As long as it doesn't get infected I won't have to have surgery while pregnant... and that is what I continue to pray for.... hang on until this baby comes and then I'll deal with it then. Once this computer lets me post pics I will... we have lots!
I wanted to also say that going to Cascades Womens Health has now brought us the greatest news in the world and also some devestating news... it is amazing how life works, how we get things thrown at us that we never could imagine us getting through, and somehow we always do. I want to say how blessed we are to be able to have many positives out weigh the negatives in our lives.... money could be tight, we might not get as much time together as a family, or we might be a little irritated with eachother at times... but at the end of the day, when I get a big sloppy kiss good night from my little girl, it makes all my worries go away. Olivia is a true gift from God and I am thankful everyday to have her in my life. I know that soon we'll have a second blessing to love, spoil, and be 100% responsible for soon, and I am so grateful to be able to share with my loving husband, adorable daughter, wonderful parents and inlaws and of course all the friends and family that we have in our life right now. God Bless You All!
I wanted to also say that going to Cascades Womens Health has now brought us the greatest news in the world and also some devestating news... it is amazing how life works, how we get things thrown at us that we never could imagine us getting through, and somehow we always do. I want to say how blessed we are to be able to have many positives out weigh the negatives in our lives.... money could be tight, we might not get as much time together as a family, or we might be a little irritated with eachother at times... but at the end of the day, when I get a big sloppy kiss good night from my little girl, it makes all my worries go away. Olivia is a true gift from God and I am thankful everyday to have her in my life. I know that soon we'll have a second blessing to love, spoil, and be 100% responsible for soon, and I am so grateful to be able to share with my loving husband, adorable daughter, wonderful parents and inlaws and of course all the friends and family that we have in our life right now. God Bless You All!
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