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March 22, 2010

Wonderful Weekend!

As I type this, Olivia naps and the house is quiet. My weekend was very nice one... even if the weather was cold and crappy. Friday I had a chiropractor appt at 9:45 am and my mom came over to watch Olivia for me and she brought her a NEW Easter Dress....she loves it! She wore it all day Friday...naps, meals and even after her bath she put it back on. She is so darn cute it in. I'll get a pic posted soon I promise! The Chiro noticed that my left leg was 1 inch longer then the right... causing left hip pain and tailbone pain. He adjusted me and I got a small massage afterwards and was very sore the rest of the weekend...but it was a good sore knowing that it would go away after healing. I go again next Friday to check to see if stayed in place. Afterwards I did groceries and then home for the night. After her nap we ventured to the park for the first time this year. She loved the swings, slides and merry-go-round. She was running everywhere checking out new things... she even noticed the pool and wanted to go in it, but of course it is still closed for the season. We played for over an hour and I still had to carry her away crying... we'll be there alot this summer I am sure!
Olivia is now into Disney movies....we've borrowed Sleeping Beauty and Pinochio from my boss and we go back and forth between the two.... no more Cinderella or Snow White... ha ha! She is so girly girl. She loves Princess Aurora and I think we average 3-4 times a day that we watch it. I got on Ebay the other day and did bid on a few Disney movies but didn't win Aurora... I did get her Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. Once they come I know she'll be excited... she loves princesses and their dresses and even dances around in circles when they do.
Saturday we played, and then I had a lunch date in Findlay with my good friend Elan. I haven't seen her since last September and everytime we try to get together it never works I am so EXCITED that it finally worked out. We ate at Olive Garden and it was sooo good. We were there from 12:30 to almost 2:30 pm.... caught up in conversation and yummy food. Mom watched Olivia for me again and they napped together in Nana's bed and she was attached to me once I got home....thinking "you aint leaving me again". We went home afterwards and played...colored... and played babies.
Today we did church with Papa and then lunch at Nana & Papas....sketti~! It was soo good and aftewards home we came...Olivia naps and I have been flip flopping laundry and picking up the house as I can.... my hip is bad today. I can't wait for a few nights with Aaron home. The days he works just seem so long and he misses out on so much!
Tuesday is our next OB 18 week appt! I can't wait... I am anxious, excited, nervous and scared.... lots of praying!!!!!


Haley Elizabeth said...

Kelly sounds like a nice weekend! I love getting together with friends. It helps me stay sane. That is one reason I'm so excited to move back to Ohio. I missed my good friends so much over the years. Good luck on your is tues! Hope it went well!

Haley Elizabeth said...

Kelly sounds like a nice weekend! I love getting together with friends. It helps me stay sane. That is one reason I'm so excited to move back to Ohio. I missed my good friends so much over the years. Good luck on your is tues! Hope it went well!

Haley Elizabeth said...

haha OPPS!! I thought it wasn't posting and kept pushing it! Sorry!!