Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

May 23, 2010

Big Girl Potty = Prizes!

On this weekend, I had a bag full of prizes for Olivia.... and I never thought I'd go through them all in 1 weekend! I had purchased, bubbles, a frizbee, Coloring Book, Sticker Book, Play-Doh and some little $1.00 prizes. I tried to keep the prizes small and cheap so that way it wasn't too expensive to get her to understand. But I would ask her and she would say no...but in a matter of a 1/2 hour later she would tell me that she had to go... I was so happy that weekend. She was consistently going 1 and 2 in the potty, wiping and flushing down the toilet. We'd celebrate and then get a prize. These pictures are from Sunday and she got her last prize of Play-doh... She kept cheering and clapping sayin "Big Girl potty" and she has been doing fantastic since. We've done underwear while at home this weekend and have had NO mistakes and will continue pull-ups for the week, go the long weekend in underwear and then try underwear at daycare after Memorial Day!

A night at the campground (5.14.2010)

This night we decided to spend the evening with Nana, Papa, Chuck, Amanda & Devin. Aaron had to work and Olivia did fantastic. She tried to potty around 4 x but was afraid to fall in the toilet...we got home that night and she went right away in the potty. She had a BLAST playing with Papa!!

Building Blocks and Say Cheese (5.11.2010)

We've been potty training a lot, so when it comes time for play time we usually bring something into the living room because it is close to the bathroom with her potty chair in it. This night she had her bath and wanted a dress.... which isn't unusual. I usually try to braid her hair at night, to keep it out of her face and then it is super cute in the morning if it stays in through the night. This night we were building blocks a nd Olivia saw that I got the camera out and well....the rest is in the pictures! I am going to try and do some pregnancy pics soon with Aaron's help and I am guessing that she'll be ready to "cheese" it up for the camera! She loved showing her Princess Belle undies too.

Olivia's ready for cake.....(5.8.2010)

Olivia is ready for a piece of Mommy's was soooo good! Spice cake is my favorite!

Feeding the Fish (5.4.2010)

This was a Tuesday and seems forever ago already! But we decided to go to the pond and feed the fish. Some of my cousins were there catching some pretty good sized catfish, and Olivia got to see one up close and personal.... she liked the little fish better!

May 10, 2010

Spring 2010 Daycare Pictures

3rd Mother's Day

Well my 3rd Mother's Day has come! I was waken by Olivia saying "Mommy" from her room and egg bake in the oven. It was very laid back day and once Olivia laid down for her nap I did too... and I slept good! We then ventured to Rosannes and then to Nanas.... a day full of FANTASTIC moms and lots of love! I love being a mom and truly feel blessed each day to have Olivia in my life... I often rub my belly and just become over joyed with happiness!! A true blessing!

29th Birthday

May 8th was my 29th Birthday. Aaron had pump training for the fire department, so Olivia and I snuggled up on the couch and enjoyed our cereal for breakfast. We colored and played most of the morning. Rosanne stopped over with a gift me and Olivia together and we chit chatted awhile. Olivia and I ate toasted cheese for lunch togehter and I made egg bake for the next day. She layed down for her nap and then Aaron came home... he got me a Sue Christmas cake and a birthday present!!! We waited for Olivia to wake up and once she was up we enjoyed cake and she helped me open my gift. They got me a flag pole with a flag with the letter "T" on it. I can't wait to see it wave in front of our house! The card was signed by Olivia and Aaron.
That evening at 4 pm we had a couples baby shower we went to and got to see a lot of people we hadn't seen in a while, and Aaron got to catch up with old classmates. Olivia was very uneasy on my lap and so I asked her if she wanted to go potty and she said we went to try and had SUCCESS!! I was so excited to see her go outside of home.
We walked around the Eagles and she pulled my ring off my finger and the band split... so now I am going to have to take it to get fixed... I hate being with out it. We then ventured to Nana & Papas for cake and hung out there. Mom and Dad got me a collage frame, socks and a gift card to Kohls.... I can't wait to get pics in the frame and hang it. Especially when little brother or sister arrives! It was a great birthday and so nice to share with those that mean a lot to me :)

Tiny Tots - Week 3 (Big Girl Potty Success)

Olivia did fantastic at Tiny Tots. This week was more group activities which she did a lot better at. She followed in the train, jumped 5x on the trampoline and walked very well across the balance beam. She wanted to do it right away again and I had to tell her to wait her turn. After that we kicked a soccer ball back and forth and she really liked that. They had to kick the ball into the net and Olivia has such a soft kick, she had to kick a few more times then others. She did sit on the potty at BFR and tried... but no success. But at least she is understanding the signs of having to go, just not able to tell mommy soon enough when we are out and about. That night she pee'd on the potty... we were super excited and she was too. We kept clapping and dancing. Then a few minutes later she started to act funny so I ran her to the potty and she pooped on the potty too..... it was a great night for her. She was so happy and kept giving me a hug.... small steps to success !

May 3, 2010

Big Girl Potty!!

We've been working with Olivia to try and potty train. We did a weekend of just underwear or nothing at all and had lots of accidents or she'd wait till nap or bedtime and go in her pull-up. The one days she didn't go at all until close to 3 pm. At daycare she refused to sit on the potty and for us she averaged 2-3 x a night she'd sit on ours, but only for a few minutes and want off. I have started a sticker chart at home and that worked at first...but slowly became old news. I refuse to make her because I don't want her to revolt against the potty chair. Every night we try and read her "Potty Chair" book and we always talk about how diapers are for babies and Olivia is a big girl. I've appreciated everyones advice, but we choose to do it this way.
Well all weekend I asked her if she needed to go potty... we had a nother weekend of running around. At tiny tots she told me she wanted to sit on the potty. So I ran her to the restroom and she sat on the big potty for about 5 minutes and wanted off. So another pull-up went on. Saturday we had no luck even sitting on the potty and then Sunday came and I knew she hadn't had a bowel movement in almost 2 days. I gave her some apple juice to help. Then around supper time she said "sit on potty"... and I said okay.... she goes "lets go" and ran to the bathroom. She sat there for close to 25 minutes. And we sang songs, played with some of her stickers... and at times she'd say "shhhhh" and so I'd be quiet and try not to look at her but I could tell that she was really trying to go poop. Well after around 25 minutes she looked up and said "all done"... and she stood up, turned around and had a look of fear on her face! I instantly started clapping and saying "yeah Olivia" and Olivia then looked at me and smiled and then realized that what was in there was a good thing and I just went on and on about how happy I was and that she was a "big girl". She hugged me tight and kept smiling. We wiped and then I dumped it into the toilet, I let Olivia flush it and told her to say good bye to the poopy...and she did. It was funny yet cute.
She then walked into her closet and pointed to her we wore those. We then ventured to the Dollar Store and Ilet her pick out a prize...she picked out another pair of sunglasses, tinkerbell this time and a blue shovel. Last time we took her to the store to pick out a prize she picked out Princess and the Frog sunglasses. That was for sitting on the potty at daycare. We are really trying to keep positive for her and never let her going in her diaper be a bad thing...but just talk to her about big girls, and how princesses go on the big girl potty, grandma, nana, Paige...we really try to make her understand that it is okay!