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May 10, 2010

Tiny Tots - Week 3 (Big Girl Potty Success)

Olivia did fantastic at Tiny Tots. This week was more group activities which she did a lot better at. She followed in the train, jumped 5x on the trampoline and walked very well across the balance beam. She wanted to do it right away again and I had to tell her to wait her turn. After that we kicked a soccer ball back and forth and she really liked that. They had to kick the ball into the net and Olivia has such a soft kick, she had to kick a few more times then others. She did sit on the potty at BFR and tried... but no success. But at least she is understanding the signs of having to go, just not able to tell mommy soon enough when we are out and about. That night she pee'd on the potty... we were super excited and she was too. We kept clapping and dancing. Then a few minutes later she started to act funny so I ran her to the potty and she pooped on the potty too..... it was a great night for her. She was so happy and kept giving me a hug.... small steps to success !

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