Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

March 29, 2007

Baby Gus' Wardrobe

Baby Gus already has quite the wardrobe! Onzies, sleepers, gowns and coats. I also have a huge rubbermaid tote filled with blankets. Family and friends have been so awesome and supportive. During this last week I have really found out who my real friends are. The calls, emails and cards are so overwhelming - I am just so grateful that I have true friends that are truly happy for Aaron and I.

I am currently working on a baby blanket. I am 7 rows into it and it takes forever to knit this blanket. I am used to working with 20 and now I have 150. If you are a knitter you know what I am talking about. I can't wait to see it done.

I found baby bedding on Burlington Coat Factories website. It is $160. and that is the cheepest I found it online. Hopefully it will still be available when I am ready for it. Aaron's cousin has offered to give us her baby mattress. I know they take good care of their stuff and I know those are expensive. She said it was a posturpedic (Spelling?) and for free I can't beat it!!

Trim Central!

Aaron started installing our oak trim Tuesday. It look so nice and let me tell you, the windows look so different. It is so nice to see more progress in the house. The trim is shiny and new. It really adds to the rooms, paint techniques and value of our house. Aaron has been doing a wonderful job keeping busy while waiting for a job prospect.

March 26, 2007

What a wonderful weekend...

Well the weekend went wonderful!! Friday when I got home from work, Aaron had bratwursts on the Forman, rice on the stove and the house was SPOTLESS!! I was soo shocked. He said he wanted me to be able to take a nap and enjoy the weekend! It was awesome. Lunch was good and then we tried to take naps. Aaron was successful and it took me a while. But needless to say I took a 4 hour nap!!! Saturday we tried to sleep in and that never happens. Saturday we were supposed to go to Robins for a BBQ and since we had all our stuff already and Robin ended up getting sick we had it at our house instead.
We had marinated chicken breasts, steak, baked potatos, taco salad, and ice cream sandwich dessert. It was all delicous!! After we ate and t hen chit chatted awhile we took part in a family fun filled game of MONOPOLY!! Chuck beat us all and it was soo much fun. When Robin reschedules her BBQ we'll have to take part in another game!!
Sunday Mom and I went to Findlay shopping. Through out the entire store of Kohls I found only one set of Nightgowns for Baby Gus. I thought for sure I'd buy out hte entire store. I think it is different when it is your child you are buying clothes for. I am staying away from character themed clothes and accessories, like Pooh, Mickey etc.
All in all it was a wonderful weekend. Aaron finished our trim and maybe he'll be installing some door jams here pretty soon. He stained and then spray finished the trim and it is shiney and look super expensive. Tuss' wood working shop!! ha ah!!
Until next time... xoxox!!

March 23, 2007

And it begins...

Nana Mangas dropped off outfits last night for Baby "Gus". They were for a little girl of course (I wonder what she is hoping for?) and they are adorable. One is like a J-Lo outfit/jumpsuit. And a pair of paints and cute frilly top. She also got 2 sets of blankets at Wal-Mart on the clearance rack. This little ones closet is going to be filled before we even get the frist picture!!

March 21, 2007


That's right we are going to have a BABY!!! We just found out yesterday and there is not holding this back... the emotions are so high right now I don't kn ow how ppl can not tell.

So I got blood drawn Monday after work because I had yet to start my period. I took a prego test Saturday morning and it came back negative so I figured I would start my period soon. Well come Monday I was loosing my mind so I had Dr. Schutz fax over orders for a blood test that I knew would be more concrete.

Tuesday came, I called and it was POSITIVE. I was soo shocked and couldn't think staight. We have been trying for a while and kind of getting used to starting my period on day 30, and not this time...WOO HOO!!

Instantly I told Aaron of course and he had to sit down and take it in. After you get let down so many times it is hard to believe that it actually happened!!

Last night we told our parents and siblings. They are so excited and can't wait either!! More grandkids. Aaron's side has 5 kids ranging from 13 to 6 and my side has the twins age 6. So it has been a while for anyone to be changing diapers, oohing and ahhing and just enjoying the gift of new life!!

Our due date is November 21st. Our first ultrasound is Tuesday April 17th and I'll post those pictures as well. My sister has already asked to take pictures of my belly as it grows and I gave her the okay. It would be nice to look back at after the little one is born.

We will NOT be finding out the sex. Keep it a surprise for sure and it is killing Aaron that we are not going to find out. ha ah!!!

Well keep us in your prayers as we are on Cloud 9 right now and just look forward to whats to come!!

Love everyone and WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!!

Flowers Aaron got me yesterday on his way home from work :)