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December 30, 2007

2007 in Review

I can't believe that tomorrow ends the year of 2007. We've had an exciting year and many more to come now with the birth of our daughter.

I was thinking back last night to what the year had brought us.

  • In March we found out that Aaron would be out of a job come the end of March. Ford was re-negotiating their contract with Aaron's company.
  • March 20th we also found out that we were pregnant. After 7 months of trying we were finally successful. I thought that if God wanted to bless us with this child that Aaron's job would work out.
  • They re-signed with Aaron's company and he was good until December 31st.
  • On April 1st we moved Chuck to his new apartment in Findlay. He and a few friends were going to try the bachelor pad out.
  • April 8th - A snowy Easter day.... we had to hunt for Eggs in the shop. Brrrrrrrrrrr!!!
  • On April 11th the twins turned 6 years old. I can't believe it. I still remember visiting Robin in the hospital after she had them.
  • April 17th we saw Baby Gus for the first time... a little worm wiggling around with a strong heartbeat.
  • May Aaron interviewed and test for Pro-Tec. A couple miles from our house we couldn't beat the opportunity. They opted not to hire Aaron and we were then focussed on the Poet Ethanol Plant.
  • On June 16th we were able to see our baby's profile for the first time. No longer a wiggling worm, the baby had grown to 1.6 pounds and had a strong heartbeat. We opted not to find out what the sex was.
  • August 1st I start to feel Baby Gus kick on the inside.... an odd feeling that makes you stop in your tracks just to enjoy it.
  • August 5th I feel Baby Gus on the outside for the first time.... at 9:15 pm exactly. (I journaled)
  • August brought floods to Ottawa and Findlay.
  • August 30th Travis turned 23 and I just couldn't believe that either. I remember pushing him up and down the sidewalk on his push car.
  • September brought the baby shower which was a huge success and all the people I love came or sent something for the baby. And also on the 13th my hubby turned the big 27!!
  • September also brought our Mangas family trip to Gatlinburg and it was so nice and relaxing.... we all enjoyed ourselves.
  • October 16th - I a fingertip dilated!! Getting closer.
  • October 29th - Our 2nd Anniversary. Amazing how time flies by.
  • October 30th was our final ultrasound of Baby Gus... .snug as could be inside me and guessed at 8lbs 4 oz.
  • October 31st - Padre turns 51. Old fart!! ha ha!!
  • November 6th was get scheduled to be induced at Bluffton hospital for November 16th. I was so nervous that day.... rumbly stomach.
  • November 9th - Aaron interviews at Poet.
  • November 16th we were induced. 6 am started, 10:40 am 2 cm, 11:15 am broke my water, 12:40 pm almost 4 cm, 2:35 6 cm, 7:00 pm 7 cm, 8:40 pm 8 cm, 10:00 8 cm
  • November 16th via an email Aaron is offered a job at Poet Ethanol and accepts.
  • November 17th - 12:40 am 8 cm, 1:30 am still 8 cm, 4:08 am
  • Olivia is born via C-Section on November 17th
  • December 10th was Aaron's first day at Poet... and loves it so far!
  • December 14th my big sister Robin turns the big 30!!!
  • December 19th Nana Mangas turned 48... maybe in 2009 we can do the Vegas trip whens he turns the big 50!!!
  • December 31st - the end of an eventful year. Jason leaves for Kuwait again in 2008 and we start a new year as a family, not just a couple.

My new years resolution... never take a single day for granted. Whats yours?

1 comment:

Britni said...

What a great idea...I might have to do this too!!