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December 27, 2007

Christmas as a FAMILY!!!

Here we are Christmas day... my date on my camera was wrong. But Aaron and I woke up Christmas day and I had made a home made cinnamon roll and we ate and drank coffee. She napped. I put her in her Christmas outfit and she looked absolutely adorable.

Aaron kept telling me that he didn't have time to get me anything.... so he started to open the gifts I got him and he loved them all. One of them was this hat that he loved!!! Well then Aaron says that he was going to put on some jogging pants and when he came out of the bedroom he had this huge box with a big bow on it. He said that him and Olivia did some shopping and thought that since I was such a good wife and mother that I deserved something really nice.

I was shocked because I really thought he didn't get me anything. I was okay with it too... because I had Olivia and have had a wonderful time with her.

I started to open it and it was a NEW COMPUTER!! I was so shocked and excited. Our old one was going bad... the monitor was soo dark, the mouse barely worked and certain keys on the keyboard no longer worked. I am blogging on the new one right now. It is so nice to be able to type and upload pictures.

Aaron did a good job this year.... and I so appreciate it. I feel that we have been walking zombies somedays and barely talk to eachother or give eachother kisses... but it is starting to get better.... I feel that we are starting to understand her schedule and actually feel that I kn ow what I am doing sometimes. ha ah!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Yay,I'm so happy for you!I love the furry hat & the computer!That was so sweet & sneaky of Aaron.Mark always tricks me like that.I am so gullible sometimes its embarrassing,lol.

I felt the same way Christmas 2005.Ava was 3 weeks old and she was all I wanted for Christmas.You have soooo much fun ahead of you :)