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December 10, 2008

Night #2

Last night we had night #2 of a modified version of the Ferber Method. I am not taking Olivia out of her crib once in it for the night. The first night went really bad... very hard. She cried, threw her pacifier, blanket and baby onto the floor with anger. But she did end up crying herself to sleep 2 times.

Well last night we played at Nana & Papas to help use up some energy. It worked out great, we left around 8:30 pm and she did fall asleep on the way home. To bed she went. I placed 3 pacifiers in her crib, her baby and a sippy cup of water.

She woke up at 4 am, I went in patted her back gave her a paci in her hand to hold and once I left she only cried for 5-10 minutes (not a hard cry) and then she went back to sleep until 7:15 am this morning!!!

Tonight Aaron is home and hopefully it goes just as good!


Britni said...

Good job! It will get better, don't worry! I even changed Ember in her crib at night to prevent waking her too much. You can just use a little folding changing pad. The less noise and light, the better when you check on them.

I remember how hard it was with Ava going through this stage though. I cried the 1st couple nights of ferber but then I realize I was determined and didn't want a toddler sleeping in bed with me every night! haha Once she realized I meant business but that I am always nearby she gave in :)

Britni said...

Could you happen to tell me how you added you Facebook account to your blog? I can't seem to figure it out!haha

Kelly said...

It is at the bottom of facebook... a profile tag or something like that. I'll have to look when I get to work! Our internet isn't working.