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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

December 29, 2009

Christmas Eve Morning

Olivia woke up and as I went to her crib to get her I was telling her that Santa came and brought lots of presents... she instantly put her arms up for me to pick her up and looking we went. Aaron followed us and we looked in each room for presents. Finally as we made our way through the kitchen she saw all the presents wrapped in Tinkerbell paper and shouts "wow". She goes down the 3 steps and starts to squat down and says "I want it"... and I tell her "go for it big girl!!"... so she started to take the presents out from under the tree and put them into a pile. I told her to start opening them. So that was the start... everything she opened she wanted out of the package... as we would do that she would start in on her next present. I told Aaron "could you imagine what this room would like with 4....5 kids?". Olivia did plenty of damage with the wrapping paper on her own. I think her favorite things were her bracelets, markers and Lets Go Fishin Game. Aaron opened his gun that we got him. A muzzleloader from Cabelas and he was excited. Aaron and Olivia got me a very nice set of Paula Dean pots and pans, a grapevine tree and a tri-pod for our video camera and my Nikon. We were all very happy. I started my Stuffed Chicken breasts, cheesy potatos and green bean casserole and we sat and played with Olivia all day. We stayed in our pjs... we enjoyed the coffee and cinnamon roll that morning for breakfast and just enjoyed being a family and being TOGETHER!

Santa Came!

Here is our family room on the night of December 23rd. Since Aaron had to work Christmas Day and weekend we did our presents on the 24th. Olivia was in bed, I had our fabulous meal ready in the fridge and the cinnamon roll was rising in the oven for morning. We bought a lot of small gifts this year. I think Olivia will like them all the same.

December 21, 2009

2 Year Stats

Friday we had Olivia's 2 year Well-Baby check up...I've had to reschedule a lot due to other appts or Olivia not being healthy. So here is her stats:

Wt# 35 lbs
Length - 36 inches (90%)
Head - 50 cm (95%)

The dr. was happy with her sleeping through the night, eating with utensils, starting to use a cup, kicking a ball, using 2 or more words to try and make a sentance, and is able to point to body parts or family members/friends. I did ask him about getting her out of the crib and into a regular bed and he said that if she isn't trying to get out and it doesn't bother her to sleep in it, to keep her there. He said if you do it too soon she could come wandering in your room to sleep. That is the last thing I want! I think after the holidays Aaron and I will start looking at beds for her. We are also going to try and get the upstairs done so all her toys, our computer and sewing table can go up there. The computer room will become her bedroom. I already have bedding picked out and know what colors to paint her room. I can honestly say that I am in no hurry to get her out, but am excited to get her big girl room ready!

Afterwards we came home and lounged the whole day. When Olivia napped, we did too. I love those kind of days!

December 20, 2009

Tussing Family Christmas 2009

Tussing Family Christmas took place December 19th... I've been really bad at posting pictures lately. I just can't seem to find the time. But Olivia was a little bashful at first as she doesn't seem to see Aaron's side as much. But she warmed up quickly. She got a movie, Barbie cards, Toy Story Memory game and a sweeper from Aunt Kelly & Uncle Adam...the sweeper was HUGE HIT! She will now sweep with us at home. Olivia was included in Aaron and I's gift of a purple Dyson sweeper from Grandma Rosie. So we can now both sweep together! Olivia didn't eat real well, candy and chips and such. But when at her level and available, how do you talk her out of it? This was her 2nd taste of opening presents and really knew what to do...she'd pick up a present and say "want it" and I'd tell her that she needs to wait her turn, but I am not sure she understood. But she did do a great job at waiting and every present she opened was "Wow!".

Nana's 50th Birthday

Saturday December 19th my mom turned the BIG 50! We went over Friday night because we had Aaron's family Christmas on her actuall birthday. We got her a purse (she picked out in Chicago) and dad got her a NEW NIKON camera and a Pug puppie calendar. Happy Birthday mom....we love you!