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January 11, 2009

Friday... the beginning of the flu!

Well Friday I couldnt' make Olivia happy with anything I tried. She was very cranky and barely ate. Around 1:30 pm she just started throwing up... river like from her mouth. I rushed her to the sink where she finished. She wanted to be held so I was holding her while she sat on the counter and she started to throw up again.... I was so sad for her...she kept crying and dry heaving... I felt terrible for her. She then bathed and napped. From Friday to Sunday morning it was then constant loose stools.... I think this weekend she went through 4 outfits and 12 pairs of pants. A lot of laundry and a lot of snuggling. She plays for a little while and then wants to be held, she plays and then wants to be held... she naps for about 45 minutes 3-4 times a day this weekend. She is drinking plenty of water, milk and pedialyte. She eats very little but I did call the "Call a Nurse" that St. Rita's offers and they confirmed that what I have been doing is correct and as long as she is urinating, producing tears and in a playful mood at times she is okay. She shouldn't have mucus (spelling?) or blood in her stool and shouldn't have more than 10 loose stools a day. Yesterday we were at 8 come time for bed. And already 3 today (10:06 am). She is napping now and will hopefully wake up and eat some chicken, noodles, and carrots from her soup. "Hopfully!!".

1 comment:

Britni said...

Oh my poor thing! Believe me I feel your pain and am very sympathetic after the past two weeks we have been through. I am the last to recover from this awful virus . I felt so bad fro Ember when she was throwing up too. I thought the dry heaving part was the worst! Hope she's doing well today!