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July 31, 2009

A visit from Baby Scarlett & Elan!!

Today around 1 pm we had a visit from Baby Scarlett and Elan. We were going to go down to Cbus and visit but she was coming back home for some stuff and instead came to our home. Scarlett slept and Olivia just loved her. She cried when she left. Elan goes back to work Monday and Scarlett will be 12 weeks old. I gave her some words of wisdom that I told her wouldn't make her feel better come Monday but no matter 12 weeks or 20 weeks it is hard to drop off.

July 30, 2009

Bella Kathryn

Ryley holding his new little sister!

Hunter holding Bella. He was super excited to hold her.

Nana & Papa's grandchildren!
Olivia loved loved loved baby Bella. She did a great job at holding her new cousin and gave her lots of kisses.
Bella Kathryn
7 lbs 1 oz
19 inches long

July 26, 2009


Here is Olivia carrying in a squash from our garden... it was huge! I am going to possible cook it tomorrow night for supper. Olivia just loved helping me pick it from the stem. I've counted 4 or 5 pumpkins starting to grow... I can't wait for them!!!

2 New Kittens

Well I am sad to inform everyone that our first 2 kittys have gone to "Kitty Heaven". Last Monday Aaron called me with the sad news. He thinks they were playing under his truck and he went to move his truck and got them just right. Olivia doesn't really understand but I felt so sad. They were such good kittens and Olivia could hold them anyway she wanted and they didn't care. So now, we have 2 new kitty's. If these don't work out I am hanging up my hat on having barn kittens for mice. The orange is called Oscar and the beige kitten is called Rocket. Those were the names that the owners had for them before we picked them up. The Beige Kitten (Rocket) has yet to allow us to hold him, and Oscar is so nice and laid back. We go out there every night and sit and call their names. They come out to eat and then hide back under the cars. I know with the last 2 it took a week or 2 for them to get to know us. I really hope these work out just as nice as the last 2. I don't want to be known for the couple who keeps getting new kittens.... I love animals too much!

Big Saturday Night

So our Saturday was planned out perfectly, farmers market, estate sale, clean the church, groceries, naps and then 7pm movie in Bluffton (Ice Age). Well it didn't end up going that smoothly... note to self, never plan out a day. After the estate sale Rosanne needed some help with her computer, and we ended up eating and chit chatting. Olivia so loves spending time with her, she always comes up with fun things to do with anything laying around... she is so crafty. From there Olivia fell asleep, she and I stayed home while Aaron cleaned the church. By this time it was 3 pm. I checked online and of course Bluffton's movie line up changed to Transformers....she would not sit through that at all...neither would I! So we ended up staying in. We watched Shrek, ate supper and played with our dollhouse.

July 25, 2009

Olivia's New Doll House

Today we went to an estate sale and came across this old doll house. I am guessing it is 50 + years old. The furniture was already sold, but I was okay with that, get some plastic furniture from Toys R Us and we'll be good. I just cleaned it up while Olivia naps and I think I'll have more fun then she will with it. I think it is in really good condition. Hopefully we'll get many years of fun times out of it too.

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Being Silly & 2 Year Photo Shoot Outfit

I had the pleasure of going shopping after work yesterday and really enjoyed myself. I did get Olivia her outfit to wear in her 2 Year Photos. I got it from Children's Place and spend nearly $60 on it... but as you can is perfect!! I can't wait to see her in it. With October colors and leaves it should be a perfect blend of colors. And she already loves the hat. And her new Tinkerbell pjs....she looks so grown up in them.

July 23, 2009

Lazy evening at home

When we got home from the funeral today, Olivia and I took a 3 hour nap. It was so nice and very much needed. It was a long couple of days. Aaron went golfing with his brother Adam... in memory of Grandpa John. It is 8:29 pm now and he is still gone... hopefully he comes home in one piece... golfing, beer, and guys...never equals good things. Olivia likes to play around in her is her Christmas dress for this year, Nana Mangas got it on clearance end of last season and it might just fit her this Christmas....she also plays in her flower girl dress from Jason & Heather's wedding. The other pictures are from later tonight... she was playing in one of her swimming toys and watching "Melmo".... Elmo!


These are the beautiful flowers that Aaron's work sent to the funeral home for his Grandpa Kania's funeral. Aaron said they took his breath away and really meant a lot to him. They sit in front of our fireplace here at home and Olivia calls them her "pretties". They really make the dining room smell wonderful. The funeral went well, everything was very well put together and with such a sad occassion it is nice to catch up with family and friends that you always too busy to see. His Grandpa looked good and Rosanne held up great, I saw her cry once and of course it broke my heart. Aaron is so emotional, and I know he looked up to his grandpa a lot... and I know that Aaron said he will miss him greatly. My parents sent a stepping stone to the home too, it is so nice to have family and friends come out and show their support during this difficult time. God Bless you all and we'll miss you Grandpa Kania!