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July 26, 2009

2 New Kittens

Well I am sad to inform everyone that our first 2 kittys have gone to "Kitty Heaven". Last Monday Aaron called me with the sad news. He thinks they were playing under his truck and he went to move his truck and got them just right. Olivia doesn't really understand but I felt so sad. They were such good kittens and Olivia could hold them anyway she wanted and they didn't care. So now, we have 2 new kitty's. If these don't work out I am hanging up my hat on having barn kittens for mice. The orange is called Oscar and the beige kitten is called Rocket. Those were the names that the owners had for them before we picked them up. The Beige Kitten (Rocket) has yet to allow us to hold him, and Oscar is so nice and laid back. We go out there every night and sit and call their names. They come out to eat and then hide back under the cars. I know with the last 2 it took a week or 2 for them to get to know us. I really hope these work out just as nice as the last 2. I don't want to be known for the couple who keeps getting new kittens.... I love animals too much!

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