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August 9, 2009

Helping at Nana & Papa's New House

Saturday was our first official day helping at my parent's new house. Mom and I stripped wallpaper and dad was busy painting. Olivia did a great job out there. We were out there for 10 hours and then went and cleaned the church for an hour and half...we didn't get home until close to 8:30 pm, she took a bath and we were both in our beds sleeping come 9:30 pm. We were pooped! Olivia was SUPER EXCITED to get 4 pairs of princess shoes from Nana. They each were for a different Disney Princess, Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and Belle. She kept walking around in different pairs saying "shoes, shoes shoes". She was so darn cute!! She napped well in her pack and play in the spare room and we ate lunch and supper out there! Next weekend we'll back out there again, and will probably be stripping more wallpaper...who ever invented that stuff should be shot!

1 comment:

Lynnette said...

Tell your mom I said congrats on the new home!!! I need to call her or stop in on my way back and forth to Leipsic.....