Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

September 23, 2009

Riding our Horse

This is Olivia riding her rocking the other night...wearing one of her pjs. These footed pjs I got from Children's Place, they are a 3T and a lil big on her, but she'll be able to wear them all winter long. I love Fall and she has 2 shirts and 1 set of pjs to wear with halloween pictures on them!

Birthday Card for Jaxon

Monday night we got crafty and made Jaxon a birthday card. Jaxon is a friend that is in Olivia's daycare class. He turned 2 on the 22nd and unfortunately has been sick. So his card waits for him in his box at daycare. Might be a planned marriage if his mom and I have anything to say about it :)

Aaron's 4-Wheeling Weekend Away (9/11/2009)

Men and their 4-wheelers.... Aaron had a great time and the pictures show that they had no mercy for their ATVs... all covered in mud!

Great Weekend

Friday we got our bathtub re-done and it looks great. Olivia did a great job at staying out of their way and napped in our spare bedroom in her pack-n-play. That night we ventured to the football game. Leipsic played Vanlue, first home game of the season. Olivia once again did a wonderful job, she stayed where I could see her, she ate snacks, clapped with the band and we even walked to the concession stand together where she got some chips and a pop for dad. Saturday was a great day! We woke up and headed to my parents to shower since our tub was not to be used for 24 hours, we showered there, ate lunch at Tony's Dairy Queen and got a few groceries at Wal-Mart... for once I only spent $150! I was very proud of myself. Afterwards we came home Olivia napped and I put away all the groceries. Once she woke up we packed our stuff up and headed to the buckeye park. They were having a fall festival that weekend and I really wanted to take Olivia. She rode a pony, swang and played on the hills. Brian, Jessica, Paige and Kendall arrived and the fun began. Once Paige got there the girls just stood and talked to eachother for like 15 minutes. Jessica and I stood and just laughed at them. We then took them over to the play area and we sat in the shade and the girls played for almost 2 hours! They would mimic eachother... Paige did something, Olivia had to do it too...and the other way as well. Kendall ate and napped with mommy and is as cute as ever...she had a buckeye's outfit on. I love having the girls together and love having great mom to mom talks with Jess!

Playing Catch Up

I have lots and lots of pics to upload and type tonight... I promise I'll start tonight! Stay tuned!

September 19, 2009

Tub Re-Do!

Friday we got our tub re-coated. Cost us over $300 dollars to do it, but it needed it badly. This comes with a 5 year warranty and looks EXCELLENT! I can't wait to take a bubble bath! No more bath mats but they put a beaded bottom on it to help with Olivia.

September 17, 2009


These are the boots I ordered for Olivia. She did so well last year with her uggs that this year I had to get another pair, can't wait to see these with her outfit for her 2 year pics!! Stay tuned!

22 Months Old

Today Olivia is 22 months old, where has time gone? I just can't believe that in 2 months she'll be 2 years old! I still can remember they day we brought her home, the time I first saw her, her first smile, cuddling with her on the couch... it just is so amazing to me how fast time has flew by. Friends and family always warn you but you just can't imagine until you one day wake up and have your little girl saying "Hi Mommy" and showing you what she wants for breakfast.
I've done terrible at writing in my journal that I started t he day we found out we were pregnant and need to start getting better, as this is the most important time for milestones. Happy 22 Months Olivia Rose, mommy loves you so much!!