Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

November 26, 2009

Ft Myers Beach Florida -UPDATED

Saturday November 21st we pulled out of Van Wert at 12:30 pm heading to Indianapolis with Adam, Kelly, Payton & Justice! Olivia had her movie, snack and pillow... she fell asleep around 1 pm for about an hour. The drive there wasn't too bad. Aaron drove to Indi and then I was going to drive from Orlando to Ft. Myers. We arrived at the airport and then waited for our flight. We kept trying to pump Olivia up to be flying in an airplane. She kept saying "Wow...plane". We arrived in Orlando around 5:45 pm... 83 degrees and beautiful! Olivia did FANTASTIC on the plane. She watched Finding Nemo and ate snacks. She liked seeing the lights outside the window, I tried to tell her that we were up in the sky...but I am no sure she understood.
Saturday we arrive to Ft. Myers beach at 1:30 am. The condo was Ocean Front and once I stepped foot onto the balcony I knew that hte drive was worth it.... absolutely breath taking...relaxing to hear the ocean crash up on the sand and to hear the seagulls. The smell was Florida, the sound was Florida and the sensation was...."Wow Florida!".
Sunday came and we ventured down to the beach... Olivia wasn't sure about the water at first but did make it into the water on the way back... her clothes got soaked. She then played in the sand and I got the best pics then. I was really unsure about taking my Nikon because of hte traveling, focusing and then the sand and water.... but did get some good pics. That night we ate at the Macaroni Grill and Olivia ate pizza...did great!
Monday we did the pool the whole day. She loved loved loved the water and couldn't get enough of it. I lathered us up with sun block because I didn't want to miserable with sun burns the rest of the trip. That night we ate at Hooters... our service was terrible, but the guys enjoyed the wings.
Tuesday we did the beach again and then the pool. We really didn't have any plans to do anything specific. We did venture to the outlet malls and I bought LOTS of clothes for Olivia from Osh Gosh and Aaron new shoes from Nike and myself some clothes too... spent enough money there!
Wednesday we left out around 9 am.... drove to Orlando in the Kia Rondo (joke of a car) and then flew out.... Olivia slept hte entire flight and once landed we ate and drove back to home.... bed never felt so good.
Our plan, 2012 DISNEY! Going to get a jar and put it on the fridge and start saving! Hoping that the Waglers join us...Olivia will be 5 and who knows if or how many kids we'll have by then. But even if just Olivia...I am okay with that :)


Britni said...

Beautiful pictures Kelly. Olivia is such a sweetie. I am so glad you guys had a wonderful time. Family vacations are so relaxing and very much needed. You will look back at this trip forever and remember all these good memories :)

Haley Elizabeth said...

I can't believe how big Olivia is getting. Im sorry I haven't looked at your blog in a while. It's been so hectic here. I'm glad you guys had a great vacation. I wish we could have a nice relaxing one. We always just go to Ohio and run around for the week we are there. Maybe one of these days we can make it to Disney World or something. Glad to see you guys are doing good :)