Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

January 29, 2010

Helping Daddy Sweep...

Here is Olivia sweeping with her sweeper she got from Aunt Kelly & Uncle Adam... she loves to sweep when ever we sweep. If she hears it in another room....she runs, grabs her sweeper and heads to where ever we are... She is soo darn cute doing it too.

Papa's Truck

Here is my dad's ratrod in progress... lots of work to go yet, but he has come a long way thought too!

January 23, 2010

First outfits

Friday I went to Kohls after eating lunch with friends. I got me 2 tanks that I love wearing under my maternity shirts and a 3/4 sleeve sweater...I should be able to wear into May... hopefully! I also got 2 carter Newborn onsies. They have ducks and a few other little characters on them and they are good for boy or girl. It is hard to find newborn items. I will have to check out Babies R Us... I just think maybe I should look into get 7 outfits for each baby in the newborn size and then by the time they have plumped up a lil they should fit into Olivia's clothes (green/yellows) perfectly! I have already got a crib, portable swing and have a few others in the work. I think we should be good to go on gear! I also attached a picture of what the twins would look like inside me at 12 weeks! Which is 2 weeks from today!

January 20, 2010

First OB Appointment

This morning I had my first OB appointment. I didn't get to hear the heartbeats but I did get a lot of questions answered. I have to take it super easy, and once I get farther along they will most likely limit my work and time on my feet. I know my mom has time that she is able to take to help out with Olivia if Aaron is working nights or days... for that in between time until he gets home. It is nice too, my mom works in Ottawa and she can help take Olivia to daycare... and I know Grandmas will help with taking Olivia to the park when weather gets nicer and stuff. I've cried the past 2 nights... I want to make sure I give Olivia all the attention she deserves... I am really scared with this pregnancy. I don't want Olivia to ever feel left out. I am crying now as I type this.... I just pray that everything goes okay!

Dr. Cole did mention that since Olivia was so big, that I might not notice right away that I am carrying two babies. Usually around 25 weeks patients start going every 2 weeks for check ups and once I hit 20 weeks I'll start going every 4 weeks for Ultrasounds. I am anxious to see how they grow and manage to fit inside me side by side. She also said that she was very happy to see that I went 40 weeks with Olivia, gained a small amount of weight and tried the no epidural... but she wanted to tell me that this time could be different. I've talked to 2 different moms who have twins... one delivered at 33 weeks 5 days and one delivered at 37 weeks. I pray that I can make it that far. Dr. Cole also said that if they notice me having troubles, blood preasure, contractions, cramping they will put me on bed rest ASAP!

Some things I have noticed already -
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increased urination
  • Small belly (started maternity pants yesterday)
  • Still have days that I feel very sick
  • Unable to sleep on my belly
  • Come 8:30 pm I am ready for bed
  • Unable to eat meat again... especially ground meat!
  • I am a little broke out on my face, I never had that with Olivia.
  • Already have had 2 cold sores

Next appt is at 13 weeks - February 18th! And we'll get to hear the heartbeats again!
Next Ultrasound is at 21 weeks - April 6th!!

January 19, 2010

9 wk Ultrasound Pictures

Both of them together!
(l-r) Baby B heartbeat of 178 and is positioned more toward the back of me. Baby A heartbeat of 180 and is positioned more towads the front of me.
Baby A on top and Baby B on bottom snug inside mommy! Chilling together!

January 17, 2010


Friday we had our ultrasound appointment. We arrived for a 2pm appt and our friend is the tech and that always makes it nice. When Kristin came out to get me she asked how I was and I said "Nervous"... she said "why?" and I said, "I am just so nervous". I was nervous, I wanted to make sure we had a healthy heartbeat and everything was going to be okay. The ultrasound was vaginal, she didn't get an image for 2 seconds and said "well no wonder you've been so nervous"...and I was worried instantly and she said "there's 2!!!!" Baby A had a 180 heartbeat and Baby B had a 178 heartbeat. Measuring a couple days ahead which is great and look FANTASTIC!!! I took my glasses off and started laughing/ crying and Aaron was sitting down by that time. We just kept laughing, because my dad, and so many others kept saying, better hope there's only 1 in there!! We feel truly blessed and each day has been getting easier and easier. We have a lot of plans to make, things to get and choices to make. We ask for extra prayers for strength, good health and a smooth pregnancy and delivery with no complications. God Bless to you all!

(I'll post pics once this stupid thing lets me... I might have to buy more storage)

January 3, 2010

We've had a busy weekend. Thursday we rang in the new year with great friends, and when we got home I was sooo tired! Olivia stayed over night with my parents, her 2nd time staying all night anywhere... and she did okay. She was up a little through the night which doesn't surprise me seeing how she isn't used to it. Friday we lounged all day basically. I made sausage, carrots, cabbage and potatos in the ovenf and then we did watch the OSU game with the Waglers. The girls played...htey hadn't seen eachother since before Christmas. Olivia was so excited to see Paige. We did have to leave early due to a melt down with Olivia. The 2's are coming in strong and we are trying to deal with it the best we can... I am trying to teach Aaron that the more you yell at her hte more she cries. Once home, in her pjs it didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Saturday we went with Aaron's parents to Bowling Green. She found a twin bed that she wanted us to see. We ate at Myles pizza (YUMMY) and then once home, we had a twin bed and brand new mattress for Olivia. Thank you Grandma Rosie! This will hopefully be the push that Aaron needs to start on the upstairs! Well yesterday the nausea set in... I've been munching on peppermints like crazy. Friday night I was up through the night coughing and then turning into dry heaving... oh joy! It is amazing how you forget about it. I have this week, and then next week and our 1st Ultrasound will be here... I CAN'T WAIT! We are going to take Olivia to daycare that day, we thought we'd try and use some gift cards up that we got for Christmas and then venture to our Ultrasound at 2 pm. We will most likely eat lunch out too... we rarely get to do that without Olivia and though I'll feel bad for not having her with me, it will do us good I think.

January 1, 2010

Olivia Rose will be a BIG SISTER in August!

Well the news is out! We are expecting baby #2 in August! We've been trying since May, and was kinda letting happen, happen! But after a few tests it showed that we once again was not producing decent eggs, so I had to go on Clomid again. In May I started with 50 mg and in November I was up to 150 mg. With a relaxing trip to Florida and a little help from the meds I am sure, we were finally successful! My projected due date is August 20th. But we have our first Ultrasound on January 15th at 2:00 pm. We are so excited to see the baby and hear the heart beat!!! Olivia is excited too...she already kisses my belly and points to it to show where the baby is. I have already noticed some pants tight... a bloating feeling almost. I am guessing it won't be long for the elastic pants to come out!!! ha ha! Keeping this in for almost 3 weeks has been hard... but we are excited!!