Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

January 3, 2010

We've had a busy weekend. Thursday we rang in the new year with great friends, and when we got home I was sooo tired! Olivia stayed over night with my parents, her 2nd time staying all night anywhere... and she did okay. She was up a little through the night which doesn't surprise me seeing how she isn't used to it. Friday we lounged all day basically. I made sausage, carrots, cabbage and potatos in the ovenf and then we did watch the OSU game with the Waglers. The girls played...htey hadn't seen eachother since before Christmas. Olivia was so excited to see Paige. We did have to leave early due to a melt down with Olivia. The 2's are coming in strong and we are trying to deal with it the best we can... I am trying to teach Aaron that the more you yell at her hte more she cries. Once home, in her pjs it didn't take long for her to fall asleep. Saturday we went with Aaron's parents to Bowling Green. She found a twin bed that she wanted us to see. We ate at Myles pizza (YUMMY) and then once home, we had a twin bed and brand new mattress for Olivia. Thank you Grandma Rosie! This will hopefully be the push that Aaron needs to start on the upstairs! Well yesterday the nausea set in... I've been munching on peppermints like crazy. Friday night I was up through the night coughing and then turning into dry heaving... oh joy! It is amazing how you forget about it. I have this week, and then next week and our 1st Ultrasound will be here... I CAN'T WAIT! We are going to take Olivia to daycare that day, we thought we'd try and use some gift cards up that we got for Christmas and then venture to our Ultrasound at 2 pm. We will most likely eat lunch out too... we rarely get to do that without Olivia and though I'll feel bad for not having her with me, it will do us good I think.

1 comment:

Britni said...

How exciting you guys! That 1st ultra sound is always so fun :)...well they all are!

The lovely 2 year stage is a joy, haha. Ember is my sweetie pie, don't get me wrong and she usually doesn't give me too much trouble but all of a sudden I noticed when I was hospitalized she was getting to that stage....