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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

February 26, 2010

15 week OB Appt

Yesterday we saw the WONDERFUL Dr. Schutz!!! As soon as he came in and shook our hands I started to cry... and he had this look of "what did I say"... and I told him that I was soo nervous. He then started to explain to us about "Vanishing Twin Syndrome". That back in the day many women never knew they were carrying twins because they didn't have the technology they have now. He said that we are very lucky it happened earlier than later, because the twin that didn't make it could become a "poison" to the other baby if this would have happened 20+ weeks along. So I guess there is a reason for this all to happen, and after a long list of questions and wonderful answers from him we got to hear the heartbeat.... Dr. Schutz found it right away... I grabbed his arm and started to cry again. He left it on there longer then I ever remember with Olivia.... it ranged from 154 to 171 and he said that was great to see the variation in beats. It was the most wonderful sound in the world!!!! I also go the good news that my Glucose test came back normal... don't have to test again until 24/25 weeks. And I think I am pretty much talked into a C-section at Bluffton. It will be best for me and baby. I know that day will be emotional knowign that we could have had 2 babies to take home so I want as little stress as possible that day.

We go again next Wednesday for another Ultrasound and then will continue on the every 4 week appointments and next Ultrasound will be at 20 weeks in April. Thank you for all the prayers and God Bless!

Saturday February 20th

I've been really bad at posting pics here lately, but with our recent sad news and Aaron and I both getting Strep...things have been a little slow around our house.
But these pics are from last Saturday... Olivia picked out her outfit, and we stacked her ABC blocks and as they would fall down we would make a big deal about it...then we would stack again...and finally got all the letters to stack. She was super excited! Aaron worked last weekend and I am so grateful to have Olivia during this difficult time, she keeps me busy and always can put a smile on my face. If I would start to cry, she'd come up to me, rub my arm and say "you ok?".... and I'd tell her "mommy is just fine"....she'd go right back to playing!

February 23, 2010

3 Hour Glucose Fasting

Today I had my blood drawn 5x for a Glucose Fasting Test. The Fruit Punch was terrible!!! I don't mind the Orange but I was on the verge of some gagging while drinking that. I had to sit in the office from 8:00 am to 11:30 when I got my last poke. It was okay, I brought magazines, my journal and caught with old friend Kim Vogt...she cracks me up! We've got a Mexican Lunch in the works here soon. They drew blood at 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30. The first 3 were done by Kim and the last 2 by her co-worker. I appreciate them making sure they could find a vein, as I am not good with needles and the thought of drawing blood out of my body does make me a little uneasy. But I am praying for good results and for a healthy baby on Thursday :) I want to thank everyone for their continued prayers, kind words and for the "just checking on you" that really make this seem easier. I wanted to share some words that I've received from friends and family....

"This healthy baby has a little guardian angel now"

"You'll notice as your baby grows their extra energy, changes in personalities could only lead you to believe that the other baby is living through them at certain times..."

"It is with God has done no wrong and got a clear pass to Heaven"

Thank you everyone!!! xoxo God Bless!

February 21, 2010


Olivia now knows all her colors...she'll point to anything and everything and tell you what color it is! She has striped socks and today at Church she yells "Papa... colors on my socks"... and it was really cute!

She is also starting to hum her ABC and can say a few of the letters as I sing it. The ones colored are the letters she remembers....


She points to herself when we sing "....sing with me".... it is so darn cute!

February 20, 2010

14 Wk Ultrasound Pictures

We were able to get good pictures of Baby Tussing. The 2nd picture down you can clearly see it's hand/arm. Profile is easily seen.. he or she was kicking and moving all over. Had a heart rate of 154. Next Ultrasound is scheduled for March 3rd 2:00 pm. At the beginning of our appointment we also found out that my glucose test came back high! So now I will have to do a 3 day diet prior to getting more blood work done. I will be adding extra carbohydrates to meals for 3 days before taking another glucose tolerance test. I have to pick 1 thing from each list to add to my regular diet for 3 days.

List 1:
2 slices of bread
1 cup of cooked rice
1 cup of noodles cooked
2 corn tortillas

List 2:
10 oz Apple Juice
8 oz Grape Juice
2 small bananas
15 oz of Orange Juice

I will do that and go in on Tuesday and get blood drawn every hour on the hour for 3 hours. If this comes back high again then I'll have to go to a dietician to make sure I eat the right foods so we don't have too big of a baby.

We also found out that Bluffton no longer offers V-Bacs. So if I want Bluffton I do a c-section, if I want to try a V-Back then I go to Findlay. We'll play it by appointment and wait and see how big our baby gets. If as big as Olivia Rose, I'll opt for the C-section at Bluffton. And honestly I am pretty much 90% sure either way I'll choose Bluffton...I just can't get over how great their care is!

February 19, 2010

14 Week Appointment

We wanted to tell you that yesterday we did not get good news at the Dr. We went in and got all our questions answered and the Dr. could only find one heartbeat. So we did an ultrasound and sadly we found out that one of our twins has passed away, around 2 weeks ago. The Dr. is guessing that around week 10 or 11 when the baby’s organs started to develop that there might have been something wrong with the chromosomes… so they all shut down.

We are blessed with one very healthy baby, heartbeat of 154, kicking and moving all over. I can’t find a way to stop thinking about what that poor little baby looked like, with no heartbeat… it kills me! We are staying positive for healthy baby Tussing… but now we grieve the loss of one of our children.

I never in a million years thought we’d be blessed with twins, and never in a million years think we’d lose one.

Due to losing one of the twins I have appts for the next 3 weeks to check on Baby Tussing… I go next Thursday at 10:40 am to hear heartbeat and then the following Wednesday at 2 pm for an ultrasound. Prayers for good results and a healthy heartbeat!!!!

Aaron, Kelly & Olivia

& Baby!

February 13, 2010

Thursday night...snowed in!

This is Olivia playing in our "play room" that will become her big girl room... she had her baby decorated with stickers... was feeding her an apple, pear and nanna! She is such a girlie girl and just loves taking care of her babies. My parents got her a bunk bed for her babies at Christmas and the babies are rarely allowed out of bed... they are always sleeping and tucked in tight... ha ha! She has her favorite pjs on and her princess shoes once again.... I love watching her walk around in them... I think she acutally walks better in them then I ever could.

She got bit "again" at daycare.... she now tells me that Andrew did it. Who ever it is, bites her the same place everytime... I'd like to bite those kids and teach them a lesson for hurting my little girl....ohhhh!!!

February 7, 2010

Tinkerbell Undies

Olivia wore her tinkerbell undies around the house yesterday... I kept saying "tell mommy if you need to go potty...don't pee on tinkerbell". I'd ask her if she had to go and about an hour later she was getting mad at me asking. So here is apicture of her sitting on her potty with her tinkerbell panties "on" and princess shoes to boot! She did end up having an I think in March, we'll pick a weekend and not go anywhere and try again! She'll be 28 months old... and if no success, we'll try again in April and so on.

Ice Cream Creations

Wednesday night we got to see the twins for the first time since Christmas... they are getting so big and I have to admit....scare me if we are having twin boys. They are so loud, hard on eachother and big eaters!!!! Watch out grocery bill in 10 years! ha ha! Olivia followed them around like a lost puppy. We kept telling the boys to watch out for Olivia...they probably kept thinking..."why doesn't she go play with the barbies".... but they did so well together and I just love seeing them together. Nana and Papa had Pizza Hut pizza and Ice Cream with all the toppings for dessert...Olivia and the boys were in hog heaven!!

Crafting with Grandma Rosie!

Last Saturday we lounged all day, and I made a BIG pot of chili. We invited Aaron's parents over and Rosanne never fails to amaze me with hands on activities for Olivia. Rosanne brought a shoe box and all kinds of stickers, markers, and cut outs for her to make a valentines day box. Olivia now carries it all over the house and puts her "pretties" in it. I somewhat braided her hair that day and she was soo excited with it... she kept looking at it in the mirro.

Exersaucer #2

I am part of a Lima Mom's group and found this great exersaucer for $40. Brand new they are $100! So I jumped on it. She met me in Ottawa and once I got home, well you can see for yourself, Olivia was all over it. When I took these pics (from last weekend) I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures since New Years Day! 30 days had came and gone and I didn't take any pictures. Shows how tired and crappy I've been feeling lately. The sweeping pics are from January 1st. I am just terrible at posting lately because when Olivia naps....mommy does too! I am very happy with the condition of the exersaucer and look forward to see the twins play in their own someday... I know Olivia will be all about showing them a good time in them since she has now tried out both!