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February 7, 2010

Ice Cream Creations

Wednesday night we got to see the twins for the first time since Christmas... they are getting so big and I have to admit....scare me if we are having twin boys. They are so loud, hard on eachother and big eaters!!!! Watch out grocery bill in 10 years! ha ha! Olivia followed them around like a lost puppy. We kept telling the boys to watch out for Olivia...they probably kept thinking..."why doesn't she go play with the barbies".... but they did so well together and I just love seeing them together. Nana and Papa had Pizza Hut pizza and Ice Cream with all the toppings for dessert...Olivia and the boys were in hog heaven!!

1 comment:

Haley Elizabeth said...

haha I'm you guys will be fine! At least you have been around twins before to see kind how they are and you have someone to talk to who has had twins first hand. You guys will be great at it!