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March 4, 2010

15 Week Ultrasound Appt.

Wednesday 2:00 was our Ultrasound. Kristin (our wonderful tech) came and got us and as always greeted us with a smile. I didn't look right away when she started... I was nervous. But instantly she said "it looks great!". And I looked and there it was... it looked so big. So of course we heard the heartbeat, it was first at 147, way lower then I've ever seen before... and I asked her how big hte baby was, because on the screen it looks so big. So she did some measurements and estimated at about 6 inches from head to toe! As my dad said today, its the size of a small GI Joe... nice! She did some other views, we saw its mouth open and shut, scratch its head, saw its ears, legs, knees, hands, umbilical cord, and even the 4 chambers of its heart. It was just AMAZING! I was tell Kristin how I had some pain on the top of my stomach last weekend and so she moved the wand to the top right side of my stomach, just below my rib cage.... and low and behold "GULSTONES!". It looked like my gullbladder had a bag of skittles in it. So now not only do I need to limit my sugars, but also extremely fatty foods... that will irritate it. I know Sunday I had the worst pain, and probably because I had fried fish, baked potatoe and noodles the night before..... so not healthy!! So I am doing lots of research online as to diets to help keep it "un-infected". As long as it doesn't get infected I won't have to have surgery while pregnant... and that is what I continue to pray for.... hang on until this baby comes and then I'll deal with it then. Once this computer lets me post pics I will... we have lots!

I wanted to also say that going to Cascades Womens Health has now brought us the greatest news in the world and also some devestating news... it is amazing how life works, how we get things thrown at us that we never could imagine us getting through, and somehow we always do. I want to say how blessed we are to be able to have many positives out weigh the negatives in our lives.... money could be tight, we might not get as much time together as a family, or we might be a little irritated with eachother at times... but at the end of the day, when I get a big sloppy kiss good night from my little girl, it makes all my worries go away. Olivia is a true gift from God and I am thankful everyday to have her in my life. I know that soon we'll have a second blessing to love, spoil, and be 100% responsible for soon, and I am so grateful to be able to share with my loving husband, adorable daughter, wonderful parents and inlaws and of course all the friends and family that we have in our life right now. God Bless You All!


Haley Elizabeth said...

Kelly, I'm so glad to hear your appt went so well. It's so nice to beable to see baby and know that he/she is okay. Do you guys have any other ultrasounds scheduled? I agree with you..our children are such blessings. I love my girls so much and hope the best for them. We are so lucky to have them :)

Britni said...

I liked reading your post. I am so happy for you and glad your appointment went well. You have a wonderful outlook on life and that is the best way to be. I think sometimes it takes some devastating or scary experiences to make you look at life in a whole new way. I'll be keeping you & your baby in my prayers. Hopefully you can get through the pregnancy without having to have surgery! xoxo