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March 24, 2010

18 1/2 Week OB Appointment

Yesterday we had the pleasure of another appointment with Dr. Schutz. We brought Olivia with us last minute so she could see where mommy goes and also in preparation for our Ultrasound in 2 weeks that we plan to bring her to.

I have gained a total of 3 lbs, and when I looked back at my 18 wk appt with Olivia I was up 1.6 not too far off.

He found the baby right away, heartrate of around 152. The baby is 2 fingertips below my belly button right now... I feel I look farther along then 18 weeks, but I have never had a 2nd pregnancy.

Afterwards we ate Jac-n-Dos pizza and Olivia ate 2 breadsticks... it was soo good!

April 6th 3:00 pm is our 20 wk Ultrasound! We are NOT finding out the sex :)

1 comment:

Christy and Chad said...

I remember at 18 weeks this time around I look as if I were 6 months, ha ha