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June 2, 2010

Big Girl Panties...

Olivia has been doing FANTASTIC going to the potty! Today we started with underwear at daycare and when I picked her up, they said that she did great, wore a pull-up to nap and then the underwear went back on afterwards. She has been waking up dry from naps at home, to where on Sunday and Monday I forgot to put a pull-up on her and she still woke up dry, ran straight to the potty and went. I constantly praise her for doing a great job, we hug, clap hands... you name it! It is always a celebration when Olivia does well.

Saturday we ventured to Van Buren Campgrounds and she wore underwear there too... did great on the trip and then when playing on the playground she told me she had to go... and did great while I walked around the entire fence to be able to get out and then walked to Nana & Papas camper... made it to the potty and went! It was so nice to be able to know that even away from home she is doing it well!

On another sad note, I've been crying a lot tonight. I think it's been confirmed that we will be leaving Loving Care Daycare & Preschool effective July 1st. Talk of raising prices and looking at our budget ... it just makes it soo hard! For 2 children there part-time is $147 a week. Which we can do, but would be hard at times of needing to get propane, or car insurance every 6 months... I just know there will be hard months to come. If it was up to me, I'd keep them there. I'd struggle here and there to keep her in a good facility, with good educational routines, good lunches and good teacher to children ratios... but Aaron and I make these decisions together and it looks like I've lost the battle. If daycare could allow us to not have to pay while on maternity leave I think we'd stay. But with me not having paid time off it makes it hard. So tonight I've been crying and I know come tomorrow I'll cry and then Thursday is Olivia's first trial date at Julie's.... and I pray that I feel good dropping off and Aaron feels good picking up.

Tomorrow Olivia wears underwear again to daycare and I am confident that she'll do well!

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