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September 22, 2010

Olivia and Everett

Everett on top...Olivia on the bottom!

10 Year LHS Class Reunion

Best Friends...Paige & Olivia

Watching Paige & Olivia play is so fun! They are so different and the makes Jess and I laugh. Aaron took them outside while Jess, Kendall, Everett and I stayed inside to chit chat. I go to Jess for a lot more than just friendship, she listens, gives great advice and also never judges me... and Ilove her for that. I truly pray that the girls remain such good friends and someday are able to enjoy parenthood together like Jess and I have.

Loving lil' brother!

September 11, 2010

Back from the football game...

We ventured to the football game Friday night. Olivia went with Grandpa Tom and Aaron and Everett and I drove over later after I pumped. He wore a new football outfit from Adam & Kelly and Olivia wore her OSU outfit from Grandma Rosie. She loved it and even slept in it that night. It was nice to get out even if only or an hour... it got chilly and Everett and I went home early. Olivia came home and told me about the dancing girls, popcorn and suckers...she really enjoys going!

September 9, 2010

Cousin Danielle...

We've had very little visitors at home, but Danielle came Monday to visit Everett! She came to see Olivia too once we were home. She has grown up so much, I still think of her as a 16 year old girl in my wedding. She'll make a great mom someday!! xoxo

Big Sister's turn...

Olivia loves taking her baths, and I finally got a good smile from her!

September 8, 2010

First Big Boy Bath

Everett's first big boy bath with sister's help. He did really good and enjoyed it!

September 2, 2010

September 1st

These are all from yesterday! Olivia hates to wear clothes as you can tell in most of the pictures and Everett is wearing one of 3 new outfits from our friends the Haughs! He is getting so big and goes again next Wednesday for another well-baby check up and I am anxious to see how much he weighs. He is up at 2:30 and 6 to eat and eats on average 4-5 oz a feeding. I am pumping close to 5oz total on one sitting and started taking an herbal to help my milk supply.