Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

November 10, 2010


Olivia was very ready for Trick-or-Treat because of having the parade the night before. She did really good at wearing several layers of clothes under her witch costume. I pinned her hat to a sock hat and she even didn't fight me for the gloves. She got a small amount of candy...which is good!! We only do a small strip of Main Street, she is still young and it was super COLD! We met up with our friends and finished up with them as well. Olivia and Paige were all about waiting on eachother and making sure they were holding hands... it was cute! Everett hung out with Nana & Papa while we went, next year depending on the weather, if like that night he'll be with them again!

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