A day to day journal of our family's journey through life. We ask for prayers for good health, little stress and extra blessings!
April 26, 2007
Drs Appt
Today I had my dr appt and everything is perfect!! Dr. Schutz is awesome and I told him that I am looking forward to this experience with him being my dr... he spent over an hour with me in the room answering all my questions and going over his stuff on the medical end of it. Next month I have my appointment and we'll see about getting to hear the heartbeat with the doppler. But he said that I am going to be a good mom and make a perfect home for this gift from god.
April 23, 2007
Beautiful Weekend!!
We had a wonderful weekend!!
Saturday Aaron helped mom and dad build a deck at their new campsite in Van Buren. He did a wonderful job and I think Padre learned alot... ha ah!! I got there around 2:30 pm. I had a friend's baby shower (Melissa) in Rawson. She got so many cute things and on the inside of the card I put "Can't wait to schedule play dates next summer"... she laughed. She is such a fun person and always full of spunk. I could use a lot more of her in my life.
Sunday Aaron worked on mom and dad's picnic table from the campsite... it is rough and needs a little TLC... Aaron has been doing that for sure.
We then went to his parents house and gave the Fish man a bath. I have pics but forgot my camera cord. Maybe tomorrow I'll post them.
All in all it was a beautiful weekend and look forward to many more with family, friends, and my new little peanut!!
Saturday Aaron helped mom and dad build a deck at their new campsite in Van Buren. He did a wonderful job and I think Padre learned alot... ha ah!! I got there around 2:30 pm. I had a friend's baby shower (Melissa) in Rawson. She got so many cute things and on the inside of the card I put "Can't wait to schedule play dates next summer"... she laughed. She is such a fun person and always full of spunk. I could use a lot more of her in my life.
Sunday Aaron worked on mom and dad's picnic table from the campsite... it is rough and needs a little TLC... Aaron has been doing that for sure.
We then went to his parents house and gave the Fish man a bath. I have pics but forgot my camera cord. Maybe tomorrow I'll post them.
All in all it was a beautiful weekend and look forward to many more with family, friends, and my new little peanut!!
April 17, 2007

Today we had our ultrasound. I have 4 pictures of our little guy. It was sooo awesome, I can hardly explain what was going through my head. Aaron came with me and he held my hand and when the picture came up I was astonished. This little bean is growing inside of me and Aaron and I created this little miracle.
Every now and then it would wiggle a little, and then she got the heartbeat...this little white flashing light going very fast.
Then she took some measurements and then she turned on the sound so we could hear the heartbeat... it was soo loud and fast. AMAZING!! Aaron squeezed my hand harder when she turned on the heartbeat. This makes it feel so real. A couple little tears fell but I kept myself under control.
I am measuring up to date and everything looks great the tech said. And she said that everything looked healthy and I am still looking at November 21st for a due date. The baby is around 2.14 cm in length and ways about as much as a handful of jelly beans. Very tiny!!
After our ultrasound we had our interview with the nurse Jackie, and she was super nice. We covered everything, diet, weight, appointments, delivering in Bluffton, and yes NO EPIDURAL!! She says that women do it all the time and have been doing it for years. That if I go to the birthing classes and try and stay home as long as possible during labor that I should do just fine. She says those who stick out most of their labor at home do better, because they are in their own environment and then when they get to the hospital they are poking around and hooking you up to everything that it is hard for you to get situated.
Well I will get those pics scanned tonight and then post them tomorrow... I can't stop thinking about this little bean in my belly squirming around and growing!!! We are so blessed!
Love you all - Kelly & Aaron
Every now and then it would wiggle a little, and then she got the heartbeat...this little white flashing light going very fast.
Then she took some measurements and then she turned on the sound so we could hear the heartbeat... it was soo loud and fast. AMAZING!! Aaron squeezed my hand harder when she turned on the heartbeat. This makes it feel so real. A couple little tears fell but I kept myself under control.
I am measuring up to date and everything looks great the tech said. And she said that everything looked healthy and I am still looking at November 21st for a due date. The baby is around 2.14 cm in length and ways about as much as a handful of jelly beans. Very tiny!!
After our ultrasound we had our interview with the nurse Jackie, and she was super nice. We covered everything, diet, weight, appointments, delivering in Bluffton, and yes NO EPIDURAL!! She says that women do it all the time and have been doing it for years. That if I go to the birthing classes and try and stay home as long as possible during labor that I should do just fine. She says those who stick out most of their labor at home do better, because they are in their own environment and then when they get to the hospital they are poking around and hooking you up to everything that it is hard for you to get situated.
Well I will get those pics scanned tonight and then post them tomorrow... I can't stop thinking about this little bean in my belly squirming around and growing!!! We are so blessed!
Love you all - Kelly & Aaron
April 12, 2007
Visiting with the Twins

Last night Aaron and I visited the twins as they turned 6 years old yesterday. They got tons of gifts and I am sure they will be busy the next couple of days playing with everything and trying on all their new clothes. I am taking them shopping Friday after work to allow them to pick out with they want and that way I have no worries that they won't like what I get them.
April 11, 2007
Here are pics from our family Easter on Saturday. It was held at our house... and the egg hunt was held inside our barn. It was snowy and rainy so we thought it would be better to do it indoors.
Chuck & Ryley
Mom & Hunter
Baby Gus' first easter basket from Nana & Papa!

Hunter finding eggs!!

Ryley finding the silver egg!!
1, 2, 3, 4, .... 34 ! Hunter kept counting and counting even saying eleventeen!! Cute!
Robin trying to stay awake. She had to work that day.
All in all it was a great Easter!! Good food and being with family is what matters the most. After eating and cleaning up we played Texas Hold'em and of course, I WON!! I won $25.00.
Chuck & Ryley

April 5, 2007
Tomorrow Starts Vacation!

Tomorrow is my first vacation day of the year!! I can't wait, I know the weather is bad but I will home with my husband in the house we've worked on and with my 2 puppies that adore us! I can't wait! I always say that I'll sleep in but that never happens, I am sure Fisher will have us up at 7 am to go potty and then I won't be able to go back to sleep.
I talked with my big sister last night.
She kept laughing at me.
Why you ask?
Because I was dry heaving on the way home from our work baby shower because I was talking about what makes me sick.
She would just laugh, laugh, and laugh.
I don't blame her, it has been 6 years since she felt this way and pry doesn't miss it at all.
Ha ha ha!!
This whole week I have been feeling so sick. I have yet to actually throw up. But I have been over the toilet a few times just wishing I could. But I don't make myself like I would if I was really sick... I just keep thinking it will pass. And sure enough in about 15 minutes it is gone. The worst is when I am at work and don't want to even think of puking in our toilet...it is NASTY!
I called Aaron yesterday from work telling him I need to get more crackers for my desk and in the car. Come 10:00 and 3:00 I am starving... and supper is soo far away at 3 pm. I eat breakfast at 6 am and then to wait until 11:30 seems impossible some days.
I guess that this is the time that I will be the most hungry and this is the important time to pick good foods. I have fruit almost every day and oatmeal for breakfast. I have really stayed away from sugary foods and have had NO CAFFIENE. Boy do I miss my Diet Dr. Pepper or my coffee in the morning. But it is all worth it in the end. I can't imagine what a can of pop can do to a little ones heart rate. No thanks, I won't find out!!
Saturday is our Easter and I am looking forward to it more and more. The boys, family, and good food. I want to make sure we say a prayer before we all chomp on some good food. I will make it known that we are going to!
I think Friday the 13th I am taking the twins to Lima to pick out their own birthday gifts. I think they would enjoy that and then we could snack on something at either McDonalds or even the pretzel place in the mall if we go there. I was thinking they would definetly find something at Toys R Us. I figure if I give them a $30. limit they could find a lot of nice things. I would usually spend m ore on them but with Aaron's job in limbo we have to take it easy and be safe right now. I am sure they will understand. If I got them something that was 5.00 they would have no idea... I know it is the thought that counts... but I love them so much and want them to have what they want.
I have rambled... Aaron packed me a kick ass lunch today.... cheeseburger, mac & cheese, and applesauce. He even made the mac and cheese for me this morning because I was craving it last night... he is so AWESOME! And my tummy is full and content... and I owe him a nice supper. I plan to make spaghetti!!
Adios for now and Happy Easter to everyone that reads this page... sometimes I think I write to myself. You can leave comments... ha ah!
xoxo - Kelly
I talked with my big sister last night.
She kept laughing at me.
Why you ask?
Because I was dry heaving on the way home from our work baby shower because I was talking about what makes me sick.
She would just laugh, laugh, and laugh.
I don't blame her, it has been 6 years since she felt this way and pry doesn't miss it at all.
Ha ha ha!!
This whole week I have been feeling so sick. I have yet to actually throw up. But I have been over the toilet a few times just wishing I could. But I don't make myself like I would if I was really sick... I just keep thinking it will pass. And sure enough in about 15 minutes it is gone. The worst is when I am at work and don't want to even think of puking in our toilet...it is NASTY!
I called Aaron yesterday from work telling him I need to get more crackers for my desk and in the car. Come 10:00 and 3:00 I am starving... and supper is soo far away at 3 pm. I eat breakfast at 6 am and then to wait until 11:30 seems impossible some days.
I guess that this is the time that I will be the most hungry and this is the important time to pick good foods. I have fruit almost every day and oatmeal for breakfast. I have really stayed away from sugary foods and have had NO CAFFIENE. Boy do I miss my Diet Dr. Pepper or my coffee in the morning. But it is all worth it in the end. I can't imagine what a can of pop can do to a little ones heart rate. No thanks, I won't find out!!
Saturday is our Easter and I am looking forward to it more and more. The boys, family, and good food. I want to make sure we say a prayer before we all chomp on some good food. I will make it known that we are going to!
I think Friday the 13th I am taking the twins to Lima to pick out their own birthday gifts. I think they would enjoy that and then we could snack on something at either McDonalds or even the pretzel place in the mall if we go there. I was thinking they would definetly find something at Toys R Us. I figure if I give them a $30. limit they could find a lot of nice things. I would usually spend m ore on them but with Aaron's job in limbo we have to take it easy and be safe right now. I am sure they will understand. If I got them something that was 5.00 they would have no idea... I know it is the thought that counts... but I love them so much and want them to have what they want.
I have rambled... Aaron packed me a kick ass lunch today.... cheeseburger, mac & cheese, and applesauce. He even made the mac and cheese for me this morning because I was craving it last night... he is so AWESOME! And my tummy is full and content... and I owe him a nice supper. I plan to make spaghetti!!
Adios for now and Happy Easter to everyone that reads this page... sometimes I think I write to myself. You can leave comments... ha ah!
xoxo - Kelly
April 3, 2007
Still Hunting...
Aaron is still hunting for a job. Friday was his last day and last week was just dreadful. Very stressful to know that your husbands last day is nearing and that you are 7 weeks pregnant. You have a very positive thing (the baby) and then a negative (Aaron losing his job) on top of it. I was always trying to be positive all week long for Aaron. But I had a lot of extra stress at work and it is hard to ignore sometimes. Aaron would be very supportive of what I was going through but at the same time doesn't understand.
I think I am more sensative than I think, especially when I am crying at 8:30 pm on Friday night... Aaron trying to calm me down and tell me that I need to stay positive for the baby and don't let me get so worked up over something "stupid" and loose the baby. I know that is very important right now but once again, it is very hard to do that. Especially when someone calls you at home, ruins your night and as well as your weekend. Well I don't need that person in my life if they insist on causing me so much pain... especially during this wonderful time in my life. I have better ppl in my life to share my stories, dreams, and heart with.
Do you ever think that maybe you try so hard for someone that it just back fires in your face. I do. And I think I have had that happen to me more than once. 2 weeks before my wedding and now 1 week into knowing that we are going to have a baby.
On to more positive things... Easter is this weekend and lets just say that it is going to be cold! The twins will be hunting for eggs with winter coats. We might do someting in the outside building for them. Alot coudl change between now and this weekend. Robin found all my eggs from last year, I need to stuff them with money and candy and then hide them Saturday. We are doing Saturday around 5 because Travis works 7 to 3 all weekend. And that way Robin can have Sunday with the boys, they can open their baskets at home and she can get lots of pictures.
The boys turn 6 years old on April 11th and I have yet to buy them anything. I am usually on the ball, but this year it is hard to decide on what to get them. I went from Portable DVD players to Soccer nets and ball... now to Toys R Us gift cards. That way they get exactly what they want and I dont' have to worry about picking the "un-cool" gift. Maybe I'll take them myself and then we can do McDonalds or something. We'll see.
Well I have blurbed enough, happy Tuesday everyone! I have 2 weeks until our first ultrasound!! Woo Hoo!!
I think I am more sensative than I think, especially when I am crying at 8:30 pm on Friday night... Aaron trying to calm me down and tell me that I need to stay positive for the baby and don't let me get so worked up over something "stupid" and loose the baby. I know that is very important right now but once again, it is very hard to do that. Especially when someone calls you at home, ruins your night and as well as your weekend. Well I don't need that person in my life if they insist on causing me so much pain... especially during this wonderful time in my life. I have better ppl in my life to share my stories, dreams, and heart with.
Do you ever think that maybe you try so hard for someone that it just back fires in your face. I do. And I think I have had that happen to me more than once. 2 weeks before my wedding and now 1 week into knowing that we are going to have a baby.
On to more positive things... Easter is this weekend and lets just say that it is going to be cold! The twins will be hunting for eggs with winter coats. We might do someting in the outside building for them. Alot coudl change between now and this weekend. Robin found all my eggs from last year, I need to stuff them with money and candy and then hide them Saturday. We are doing Saturday around 5 because Travis works 7 to 3 all weekend. And that way Robin can have Sunday with the boys, they can open their baskets at home and she can get lots of pictures.
The boys turn 6 years old on April 11th and I have yet to buy them anything. I am usually on the ball, but this year it is hard to decide on what to get them. I went from Portable DVD players to Soccer nets and ball... now to Toys R Us gift cards. That way they get exactly what they want and I dont' have to worry about picking the "un-cool" gift. Maybe I'll take them myself and then we can do McDonalds or something. We'll see.
Well I have blurbed enough, happy Tuesday everyone! I have 2 weeks until our first ultrasound!! Woo Hoo!!
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