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April 5, 2007

Tomorrow Starts Vacation!

Tomorrow is my first vacation day of the year!! I can't wait, I know the weather is bad but I will home with my husband in the house we've worked on and with my 2 puppies that adore us! I can't wait! I always say that I'll sleep in but that never happens, I am sure Fisher will have us up at 7 am to go potty and then I won't be able to go back to sleep.

I talked with my big sister last night.
She kept laughing at me.
Why you ask?
Because I was dry heaving on the way home from our work baby shower because I was talking about what makes me sick.
She would just laugh, laugh, and laugh.
I don't blame her, it has been 6 years since she felt this way and pry doesn't miss it at all.
Ha ha ha!!

This whole week I have been feeling so sick. I have yet to actually throw up. But I have been over the toilet a few times just wishing I could. But I don't make myself like I would if I was really sick... I just keep thinking it will pass. And sure enough in about 15 minutes it is gone. The worst is when I am at work and don't want to even think of puking in our is NASTY!

I called Aaron yesterday from work telling him I need to get more crackers for my desk and in the car. Come 10:00 and 3:00 I am starving... and supper is soo far away at 3 pm. I eat breakfast at 6 am and then to wait until 11:30 seems impossible some days.

I guess that this is the time that I will be the most hungry and this is the important time to pick good foods. I have fruit almost every day and oatmeal for breakfast. I have really stayed away from sugary foods and have had NO CAFFIENE. Boy do I miss my Diet Dr. Pepper or my coffee in the morning. But it is all worth it in the end. I can't imagine what a can of pop can do to a little ones heart rate. No thanks, I won't find out!!

Saturday is our Easter and I am looking forward to it more and more. The boys, family, and good food. I want to make sure we say a prayer before we all chomp on some good food. I will make it known that we are going to!

I think Friday the 13th I am taking the twins to Lima to pick out their own birthday gifts. I think they would enjoy that and then we could snack on something at either McDonalds or even the pretzel place in the mall if we go there. I was thinking they would definetly find something at Toys R Us. I figure if I give them a $30. limit they could find a lot of nice things. I would usually spend m ore on them but with Aaron's job in limbo we have to take it easy and be safe right now. I am sure they will understand. If I got them something that was 5.00 they would have no idea... I know it is the thought that counts... but I love them so much and want them to have what they want.

I have rambled... Aaron packed me a kick ass lunch today.... cheeseburger, mac & cheese, and applesauce. He even made the mac and cheese for me this morning because I was craving it last night... he is so AWESOME! And my tummy is full and content... and I owe him a nice supper. I plan to make spaghetti!!

Adios for now and Happy Easter to everyone that reads this page... sometimes I think I write to myself. You can leave comments... ha ah!

xoxo - Kelly

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