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April 23, 2007

Beautiful Weekend!!

We had a wonderful weekend!!

Saturday Aaron helped mom and dad build a deck at their new campsite in Van Buren. He did a wonderful job and I think Padre learned alot... ha ah!! I got there around 2:30 pm. I had a friend's baby shower (Melissa) in Rawson. She got so many cute things and on the inside of the card I put "Can't wait to schedule play dates next summer"... she laughed. She is such a fun person and always full of spunk. I could use a lot more of her in my life.

Sunday Aaron worked on mom and dad's picnic table from the campsite... it is rough and needs a little TLC... Aaron has been doing that for sure.

We then went to his parents house and gave the Fish man a bath. I have pics but forgot my camera cord. Maybe tomorrow I'll post them.

All in all it was a beautiful weekend and look forward to many more with family, friends, and my new little peanut!!

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