Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

April 11, 2007


Here are pics from our family Easter on Saturday. It was held at our house... and the egg hunt was held inside our barn. It was snowy and rainy so we thought it would be better to do it indoors.

Chuck & Ryley
Mom & Hunter
Baby Gus' first easter basket from Nana & Papa!

Hunter finding eggs!!

Ryley finding the silver egg!!
1, 2, 3, 4, .... 34 ! Hunter kept counting and counting even saying eleventeen!! Cute!
Robin trying to stay awake. She had to work that day.
All in all it was a great Easter!! Good food and being with family is what matters the most. After eating and cleaning up we played Texas Hold'em and of course, I WON!! I won $25.00.

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