Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

May 1, 2007

The Progress

I am anxious to start to show. I want to be able to feel my belly and feel this baby growing inside of me. I was excited to see this picture on for my 11 th week. The baby is tucked back in safe keeping until it gets bigger. Sunday Mom and I went shopping for maternity clothes, and I got a lot!! I think I am off to a good start and maybe a few more tops along the way. I got a lot of summer/ spring clothes, and I know when October gets here and I am getting way big, I will pry looking into more pants and a few cardigans. Needless to say I am anxious to feel some progress from Baby Gus... I don't want to fast forward becauase I am looking forward to every day experiencing something new and telling someone new that Aaron and I are expecting our first baby...
I'd like to get moved into our master bedroom soon. I'd like to get that front bedroom painted and say it is done. I'd also like to re-paint our front computer room. It is a pumpkin color which I like, but I think it is too dark for the room and I am thinking of more of a slate blue. We'll see, because Aaron will be painting, not me :) ha ah!!

Back to work, happy day to everyone who reads!

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