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December 27, 2007

Labor & Delivery


This is Aaron showing Olivia to me for the first time. Sadly I don't remember this time. I was so out of it... that it still makes me cry to this day. I wish I didn't miss out on her first cry, Aaron's first time seeing her and my first time meeting my own daughter. I do cherish every moment with her... maybe even more because of what I missed. But after 22 hours of labor and a C-section she is soo worth every minute of it.

My two coaches...Dr. Schutz and Aaron. I love my Dr. and he was soo awesome throughout the entire day. Even after 22 hours of labor and a C-section he is still my favorite... ha ha!!

The star of the day.... Olivia Rose

Miss Olivia getting checked out.

Daddy holding his daughter for the first time.

Here is Aaron waiting on someone to tell him what is going on. I was put under and so he was not able to be in the room with me. He waited out here patiently and then the nurse came out and tol dhim that he had a baby girl.... tears of happiness rolled down his cheek and he said "she worked hard she deserves a daughter".

Sorry this had taken nearly 6 weeks to post, but here are pictures from when Olivia was born. Now that I have this new pc I am able to upload faster.

Enjoy :)

1 comment:

Britni said...

Your story always makes me tear up.It is very sad that neither of you were able to witness her birth.You are right though and you cherish every moment even more because of the way things happend.All that is important is that she came out healthy and happy.I am so glad she is alright after such a hard time coming into this world and that she has such wonderful parents loving & caring for her.You have a beautiful little family now and thats all that matters.