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June 19, 2008

Pretty Girl

I bought some hair clips for Olivia too... they work really good if I twist her hair back... my mom used to do that all the time with my hair to keep it out of my face.

I do not want her to have bangs...I feel that a lot of little girls have these bangs that start so far back and then they try to grow them out when they are older and it is a fighting game to get their hair back. So I hope if I continue to keep her hair out of her face it will work... we'll see. But I think her hair looked so cute this morning.

Mmmm Puffs!!

Olivia loves her puffs. She just takes a hand ful and tries her hardest to get at least one in her mouth... ha ha!!! It is funny because she'll start chomping away and the puff is stuck to her cheek.. haha!! i can't help but laugh and help her out a little. It is a nice distraction for her to work on while I prepare supper, lunch or just do dishes.... she likes them.

Daycare started some cheerios and larger puffs and they said she did great. So I bought some cheddar puffs and large Apple Ring Puffs.

You can see her teeth really good in some of these pics!

A Visit From Their 1st Great-Granddaughter

Saturday after we drove back from mom and dad's campsite I thought this would be a good time to get a quick snapshot with my grandparents, and Olivia's great-grandparents Bill & Betty. She was tired and a little fussy so we did stay long but I need to go more often. I know Grandma Betty would have her spoiled and in all the best clothes and shoes... she was all about accessories and looking your best. She is one of the reasons I went into Office Administration... she was an Administrative Assistant at OHM in Findlay to the big guy and was well known there for her kind ways and hard work. I miss them so much! I am hoping with the nice weather this weekend we can go to all of Olivia's great grandparents sites and visit.

June 12, 2008

Update on Olivia

Well those of you I talk via email know that Olivia has been struggling with her official 1st cold. She has a terrible cough, runny nose and just miserable! She vomitted all over me Monday when I picked her up from daycare... I left work early to go to a Dr. appt for her... good thing!! But Dr. McCullough said she had a light pink throat and her ears looked good.... so more pink meds for Olivia. That night was tough... I think I got 2 hours of sleep because she couldn't breath through her nose and her cough hurt her really bad.

Tuesday came and to daycare she went. I got her meds filled and back to daycare to give them to her...all before 9 am.... she instantly saw me and her hands went up and she grabbed on to me so tight... rubbed her face on my shoulder (thats how she shows her love I think) and I gave her her meds and I tried to leave... she started to cry... first time ever!!! I left and on the way to work called Aaron and started to cry myself... I hate to see her cry and want me when I have to leave her... it kills me!

11:00 am.... RING RING... Loving Care calls and says that Olivia got sick and I needed to go pick her up and that she couldn't return until she hadn't vomitted for at least 24 hours. Good thing Aaron was home tomorrow. I went to Moms with her because we were without power from the night before.

Olivia got a bath at Nanas and we camped out on her living room floor... she slept from 12:30 to 2 and then got up, I gave her some juice and UP IT CAME!! Poor girl she looked so exhausted and just wanted to be held.

She slept most of the day with little play time and had a messy diaper too... so we were now on our 4th outfit of the day.

My mom got home and brought her some Fruit flavored pedialyte... YUMMY... Olivia loved it. And she has kept down all her food since then!! She stayed home with Aaron yesterday and is now at daycare today. I called a bout an hour ago and she is doing good.

Hopefully she'll be bounced back soon... I miss my happy, smiling, baby girl!!

I'll give her all the TLC she nees... SUPER MOM IS HERE!! ha ha!!

June 8, 2008

Home Depot

Jumped to Sleep

Aaron and I sat outside the one night and brought "Buster", Olivia's Jump-a-roo Horse, and she jumped while Aaron and I enjoyed the beautiful weather. Next thing we noticed... she had her head down and eyes closed... she was tuckered out. I picked her up, and she snuggled right in until we went inside...she slept all night.

Getting Braver - 6/1/08

Olivia was getting a little brave on Sunday... She for a moment was on her knees for a while and even was holding herself up on her hands... I was amazed. But it only lasted for a second or two... just long enough for us to notice. She is becoming very active and vocal now... just growing into a little girl!! I love this outfit... the shorts are so cute on her chubby legs. She now reaches her arms to me for me to hold her or pick her up... it makes me feel good that she needs me still... :)

Uncle Franks Pepper Patch

We went to Malinta to check out Uncle Frank's Pepper Patch. Aaron and I are going to start our own garden and they have every veggie you could think of already started... pumpkins, onions, tomatoes, brocoli, cauliflower, peppers, squash, and cabbage.... much more too I am sure. Olivia loved all the different colored flowers they had.... she wanted to touch them.

Our New Baby - 5/31/2008

Nana got Olivia a baby doll... it is almost as big as Olivia and I think is kinda creepy... but Olivia loves her. She just sucks on her face and hits it with excitement... you get what she is doing right? Anyways... she loves it and when we get it out she just starts waving her hands and screams!!

We shopped that day with Nana and Olivia did great... we shopped at Kohls and got her all kinds of new clothes. I got paid $75.00 more a week than I did in Findlay... I am making a dollar less and working 10 hours less... hmmmm??? I think it was a great move..."Thanks Kim Brandeberry.... !!" Anyways...I am so happy with this new job and look forward to many, many, many more years there! I am so close to Olivia I've been able to give her Tylenol when her teeth were hurting and also been able to go and feed her a bottle on my lunch time too... it is nice!

Picnic in the Yard - 5/31/2008

Saturday May31st we had a little picnic in the front yard. I usually do it in the back yard but I thought since we were waiting on Aaron we would sit in the front yard... we got beeps and waves from all kinds of people. But she does really good sitting up now and I rarely use her bumbo... just when I have her in the Kitchen or Laundry Room with me. Keeps her contained and from getting into something she shouldn't. I won't be able to do that for long... once she starts crawling.

Waiting on Daddy - 5/31/2008

Every night around 7:20 pm that Aaron works we sit out on the front porch waiting on Aaron to drive by. He loves to see us waving to him as he pulls in the drive. You can see in the last picture how close Aaron works to us... just close enough.... but I wouldn't want it any closer.

June 5, 2008

Show Me Those Teefers!!

Excuse the wobbling around of the camera... Olivia grabs for stuff now and you have to act fast. It is hard to see, but you can see her 2 teeth on the bottom front. Splish Splash!!!

June 2, 2008

6 Month Photo Shoot