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June 12, 2008

Update on Olivia

Well those of you I talk via email know that Olivia has been struggling with her official 1st cold. She has a terrible cough, runny nose and just miserable! She vomitted all over me Monday when I picked her up from daycare... I left work early to go to a Dr. appt for her... good thing!! But Dr. McCullough said she had a light pink throat and her ears looked good.... so more pink meds for Olivia. That night was tough... I think I got 2 hours of sleep because she couldn't breath through her nose and her cough hurt her really bad.

Tuesday came and to daycare she went. I got her meds filled and back to daycare to give them to her...all before 9 am.... she instantly saw me and her hands went up and she grabbed on to me so tight... rubbed her face on my shoulder (thats how she shows her love I think) and I gave her her meds and I tried to leave... she started to cry... first time ever!!! I left and on the way to work called Aaron and started to cry myself... I hate to see her cry and want me when I have to leave her... it kills me!

11:00 am.... RING RING... Loving Care calls and says that Olivia got sick and I needed to go pick her up and that she couldn't return until she hadn't vomitted for at least 24 hours. Good thing Aaron was home tomorrow. I went to Moms with her because we were without power from the night before.

Olivia got a bath at Nanas and we camped out on her living room floor... she slept from 12:30 to 2 and then got up, I gave her some juice and UP IT CAME!! Poor girl she looked so exhausted and just wanted to be held.

She slept most of the day with little play time and had a messy diaper too... so we were now on our 4th outfit of the day.

My mom got home and brought her some Fruit flavored pedialyte... YUMMY... Olivia loved it. And she has kept down all her food since then!! She stayed home with Aaron yesterday and is now at daycare today. I called a bout an hour ago and she is doing good.

Hopefully she'll be bounced back soon... I miss my happy, smiling, baby girl!!

I'll give her all the TLC she nees... SUPER MOM IS HERE!! ha ha!!

1 comment:

Britni said...

Poor Olivia! That sounds like a nasty bug. Ember just got over a virus too. She had a fever of 103.3 that kept coming back along with an upset tummy & rash. She is still not feeling all that well but I think she is over it now.

I hope she gets better soon,poor thing!