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Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

July 29, 2008

Olivia Looks Like...

I found some pictures of me when I was younger and one of my mom. I have to say that I think Olivia takes after us!
My mom is in the middle and I am on the sides... I think the one on the left is maybe a 6 month old photo and the right is probably 9 mo to 1 year or more. I was sure cute!! ha ha!!

Daddy's Toy

Aaron had a friend of the family that was selling his 4-Wheeler and he only used it to drive from the fields to his house... so not a whole lot of tear on the 4-wheeler. So we went and looked at it and Aaron's face was priceless. At the time we just didn't think we could pull it off... we just purchased all our materials for our new roof. Well Mike made us an offer and allowed us to make payments to him and we liked that idea a lot. Aaron got to bring it home Thursday. He was like a kid on Christmas Day. A little soap and water and it does look brand new. I love to ride it around too... the dogs chase us around and Olivia kicks her legs in excitement when she watches one of us ride it. I am sure she'll get to zoom around the yard in it someday. Aaron has been driving it to w ork.... saves us on gas for his truck that is for sure.

Spaghetti Noodle and Cookie Piece

I made Spaghetti Sunday night and Olivia was eating her Yo-Baby Yogurt that she loves and she seemed so interested in what Aaron and I were eating. So I took a noodle, licked it clean and gave it to her. She loved to try and put the slippery noodle in her mouth and would fling it around like a laso! ha ah!! Later I gave her just a small piece of a frosted cookie and she was loving it all... you can see we removed her T-shirt and straight to the tub she went!


Here is Olivia playing in our laundry basket. She fits perfectly in it and she loved it. She even pulled herself up to a full stand.... we were shocked and stood there with our mouths wide open. She loved to be able to pull herself up and down and look through the holes and peek at Mommy and Daddy. I absolutely love the 2nd picture down.
We've scheduled Olivia's 9 month photo shoot with Britni from Bright Eyes Digital Photography in Columbus. I am so excited to have her take Olivia's pictures and can't wait to see the finished product.

July 22, 2008

Sunday & All To Ourselves

We woke up and knew the pool didn't open up until 9 am. Olivia of course went down for a little cat nap at 8:45 and up at 9:15... we suited up and down to the pool we went. We had the entire pool to ourselves for almost an entire hour! We were up to our room by 10:30, showered and checked out at 11.

Olivia loved the pool... we took her out of her floatie more this day because of being alone. She loved being passed back and forth between Aaron and I and grabbing for her toys that we brought with us. On Sunday she wore her leopard swimsuit that I bought at Babies R Us when we were first pregnant... not knowing what we were having I got it for $3.00. Aaron even said, "I thought we would never get to use this"... and sure enough we did!! WE HAD A GREAT TIME!

Good Night and Good Morning!

Olivia looked so tiny in our big King bed. And it was so nice to wake up with her in the morning. She has only slept in bed with me 1 other time and it was hard with a Queen and with this King bed it made it a lot easier. I never sleep that good but I knew she wouldn't sleep in the pack and play... she never has. But when we got back home, she slept in her crib all night since.... she does a really good job!

Watching Everyone Play

We after Olivia ate and before we ordered pizza we sat out on our balcony and enjoyed watching everyone play. There was a group of guys playing Fooz Ball (spelling?), a daddy teaching his daughter to play ping-pong and kids running every where! Olivia loved it all. We enjoyed watching too... and Olivia also would flip through her favorite book, "Where is Elmo's Blanket". It is a flib book that has flaps that she can open to help find Elmo's blanket... it is her absolute favorite!

Picnic on the Floor

Olivia fell asleep after swimming and Aaron and I looked at eachother... he turned off the TV we both rolled over and we were out too! We all slept from 5ish to 7:00 pm. I guess we got our money out of our room. We looked at the pool and it was packed... and we gave Olivia a bath... ordered pizza and she ate her supper and then had some snacks on the floor.... she loved it. She loved having us both with her all the time. It was nice to just hang out and not worry about dishes, laundry, Aaron helping other ppl out... fire calls and work! We had no worries here and could leave the bed a mess!
Olivia is doing really good with eating new things. She now eats puffs, graham cracker sticks, cheerios, and jello! She loves the jello! It is fruity and probably refreshing for her! Sunday morning at Bob Evans she had some of Aaron's biscuit.

King Size & All Mine!!

Olivia just loved the big bed... we all layed together, we'd play watch cartoons and really enjoyed being together! At one time she was kinda fussy on Sunday and I gave her her GLO WORM and patted her back and she fell right asleep. She almost needs the her GlO Worm in order to go to sleep... this might be THE TOY that each kid depends on. Our room was just perfect... King size bed, fold out couch, tv, and patio doors to a balcony over looking all of the Holidome.

Lets Go Swimming!

Saturday we got to the Hotel and our swimsuits were on and we were so ready to go! Olivia was getting a little fussy maybe nap time but we still thought we'd give it a try. She was so relaxed and just loved to watch all the kids swim and splash around. Her floatie was perfect... not to big and had a little valley to allow her to feel the water. The pool was heated and I think that helped a lot.
I got into the water and started to swim towards Aaron and Olivia and I felt something on my hand... I brought my hand out of hte water and realized that my wedding set had slipped off my hand!!!!!!! I INSTANTLY FELT SICK! I do not open my eyes under the water... never have. I looked down and i was in the 6 ft section and I could see my ring at the bottom... down I go feeling around with my eyes closed.... came back up and Aaron yells "whats going on?" I say back to him that I lost my ring......He has this look of shock! I go down again and feeling around and GOT IT! I was so happy to finally get it back! I then swam the rest of the time with my hand in a fist. We weren't really swimming... we were just swirling Olivia around and enjoying being together... our room was on the other side of the Holidome. I just couldn't belive that had happened.
After an hour Olivia was looking like a zombie... tired! So we got out and headed back to our room. Olivia got changed and out she went... it didn't take her too long at all.

Bass Pro

Saturday we started on our family weekend and started out at Bass Pro in Rossford. It was a very nice store and very new and clean! Olivia touched a deer they had there... all dead and stuffed... I can't stand them... but are neat to see! Throughout the entire store we bought a belt for Aaron, gummie worms and circus peanuts... we such goofs!! But Aaron did give me some gift ideas that he might be interested in. Olivia got so much attention from all the staff.... especially about her outfit and pretty blue eyes...she is a doll!!

July 16, 2008

Waiting for Friday!

Well this has been a tough couple of days at work... we had our Audits by the "Ohio Farm Bureau" and did very well. Finding everything and getting it all organized and make sure it was correct was a large task. The girl before me was not doing her job as we have been finding out the hard way... but hopefully this fiscal year will bring all good things!!
Olivia has been getting picked up by Aaron... and I kept telling him that is so rewarding when she see's your face when you are picking her up.... she gets a huge smile, kicks her legs, and whines!! He got to experience that first hand these past 2 days.
Friday we plan to go to Sams Club and then.... HOLIDAY INN!! Saturday night we are staying at the Holiday Inn Perrysburg Frenchquarters. We used to always stay there during the winter and it was chance for Mom and Dad to let us burn off lots of energy with the pool, put-put, arcade, hot tub, and just playing with all the other kids there!! So I thought back in June that we needed a night away as a family. We are all looking forward to it! I can't wait to swim wtih Olivia... I am sure she'll love it!
Well it is almost 9:00 am and almost time to clock in :)

Have a great day friends and family!

July 8, 2008

Splish Splash

Swimming in our Froggy Pool

I bought this froggy pool at Wal-Mart probably a week ago and finally thought it was warm enough on Sunday for her to use it. I liked it because it has a canapy like in the back to help block the sun. Her leopard swimsuit I bought long before she was born... I wasn't even half way I don't think... I got it at Babies R Us for $3.00. It is 24 months and a little big... but it still did its purpose. She would splash and loved to watch the dogs run and play. I think we will get our money out of it for sure!!

This is What I Call Campin!

Mom and Dad's camper is super nice.... it has double bunks in the back room, bathroom wtih tub, nice big kitchen and can sleep probably around 12 ppl. Olivia and I had a room in the back all to ourselves and Mom and Dad have suite in the front of hte camper and a bed on the floor for the pugs. When the boys stay I am sure the pugs sleep with them.... they are too cute to say no to.

Good Morning Ryley & Hunter

Olivia woke up Sunday around 7:15 am on the dot and I gave her abottle and then she sat on the floor of our room and played and watched Ice Age. After Nana was up and showered we moved out into the main living area and I plopped Olivia down between the boys and she was so excited to be with them... she clapped her hands and talked and sang. Hunter was more interested in her hten Ryley... he took a little bit longer to wake up. Papa woke up, made us pancakes and sausage... coffee and it was all very good.

Mr. Potato Head Galore

Mom had Mr. Potato Heads for Olivia to play with. She finds dollar deals at Wal-Mart and got most of these for a dollar. She had all kinds of accessories and she loved to taste all the different arms, legs, noses, and shoes. I even played with her.