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July 29, 2008

Daddy's Toy

Aaron had a friend of the family that was selling his 4-Wheeler and he only used it to drive from the fields to his house... so not a whole lot of tear on the 4-wheeler. So we went and looked at it and Aaron's face was priceless. At the time we just didn't think we could pull it off... we just purchased all our materials for our new roof. Well Mike made us an offer and allowed us to make payments to him and we liked that idea a lot. Aaron got to bring it home Thursday. He was like a kid on Christmas Day. A little soap and water and it does look brand new. I love to ride it around too... the dogs chase us around and Olivia kicks her legs in excitement when she watches one of us ride it. I am sure she'll get to zoom around the yard in it someday. Aaron has been driving it to w ork.... saves us on gas for his truck that is for sure.

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