Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

December 5, 2008

1 Year Appointment

Today Olivia had her 1 year appointment and here are her stats as of today:

Weight: 27.6 lbs, 97%
Height: 31 1/4, 97 %
Head: 18 1/4, 95%

I did discuss with the doctor my concerns with Olivia not wanting her milk from a sippy cup. He explained how the juice while good for her, does taste better to her and she will prefer the juice. That if we don't start only offering milk that she could drop in her percentile and could get cavities in her teeth from the juice. We were shocked and now will only offer milk. I guess I started the juice for something new and to get her away from the bottle and used to the sippy cup. I didn't know that I was doing something bad...

But after that came the shots..... the two nurses came in and we had to take her shirt off because they did them behind her arm above her elbows. The both pricked and then Olivia pulled her arm away and the one nurse had to prick her again because she pulled out the needled when Olivia moved. Poor thing cried, burried her head in my chest and had tears everywhere... just broke my heart!

We also had to prick her finger to see if she needs to be put on a vitamin since she is no longer on formula... and she will be on a daily vitamin, she was just below what they like.

She and daddy are napping in the couch as I type this. And I have no idea what to make for supper... it is freezing outside and for some reason I am really in the mood for shopping... that won't happen I know.

Until next time... :)


Anonymous said...

Baby girl looks great! She is always smiling and so happy. I loved playing w/ her the other night..thanks for having me over

Haley Elizabeth said...

I wouldn't worry to much about the juice. If Oliva is still on a bottle, now is the time to transfer to the sippy cup for the milk. We did it for Haley about a month after she turned 1 years old. I actually had ran out of formula like 2 days before her birthday and started giving her milk then in her bottle. She did well in the transition. I also was giving her juice only in the sippy so she knew the difference. I bet once Olivia starts drinking regular milk she'll love it. Haley LOVES milk. That is why I'm going broke buying it all the time.

Britni said...

Ava is my milk drinker but Ember loves her juice. I do half water, half juice but still she has never liked cows milk. Today she drank half a sippy though and I was so excited! She has always been in the 99th percentile. Because she won't drink milk I give her 2 yogurts a day and cheese. She gets lots of calcium and eats well balance meals. I also brush her teeth twice a day. Giving a child diluted juice isn't bad in my opinion. They are talking about putting your kids to bed with bottle & sippy's of juice or letting them carry around sippy's of juice all day. I finally am getting Ember to like milk's taken long enough!