Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

December 14, 2008


Tonight Olivia and I played... giggled..... and snuggled!! I love to watch her... I could just watch her for hours. She investigates things, turns things over and looks inside. Now that she is taking steps on her own we find her walkin from the coffee table to the chair, one toy to another, me to Aaron... and so on. She is really starting to take risks and we love watching her learn and get excited when she realizes she is in the middle of the room with no one or nothing to hold on to! She is wearing her pj's that Nana Mangas got her... they say What Santa Doesn't Bring Me, Grandma Will! Very cute and just love them on her.


Haley Elizabeth said...

Guess what! I just bought those same pj's for Haley at Kohl's a few weekends ago. How funny!

Britni said...

She is so cute! I miss the pacifier age :)