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December 19, 2008

Walking Like a Pro

Olivia is officially walking around the house... she goes from room to room, falls down, is able to stand back up and walk again. I am trying to get a video to post... but hard at times. I can say she is at around 80% for walking and still crawls about 20% of the time. I like to see her taking chances and isn't afraid to try. She is getting so big.... it kills me how fast these last 13 months have gone.... ughhh!!!


Britni said...

I am really looking forward to seeing that video! I loved watching Ember as she started to walk. I still go back on myspace & watch the one video of her & tear up. I got your Christmas card & it's beautiful!! I have to send mine out still. I am procrastinating this year for some reason! I sent out a few & then ran out of stamps! You will get yours in a couple days though :)

Haley Elizabeth said...

I love the just beginning to walk stage. Haley was so cute and so little when she was walking. She was walking at 10 months and running at the end of the month everywhere. She was just ready to GO!I hope you have plenty of baby gates! Your gonna need them :)