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July 12, 2009

Limited "Paci" Day 6

Some of my pics are blurry... I am still learning my camera settings so my apologies! Here is Olivia today, she is starting to play more and more with her babies. She stands them up, gives them drinks from sippy, points her finger at them and talks, and even gives kisses. She is getting more and more of an imagination, I am loving every minute of it. She'll hand me a baby and then blabber at me and then walk away and then come back, take her and put her in her stroller and walk away... too cute! She loves loves loves Toy Story. She watches it on average 7-10 times on the weekends.... just loves it. She has certain parts that are her favorite and you can see her with the Woody doll (Twins from when they were little). She carries him everywhere while watching the cartoon. Her favorite character is Buzz... she gets so excited when he comes on there for the first time, those who've watched the movie know. She is also a big phone talker right now too. This morning I called my mom and she took my cell phone away and just rambled and rambled. It was so funny, mom said she couldn't get a word in edge wise. She is also on day 6 of "limited pacifier use". We only allow her to have it for naps and bedtime. I hide them in a drawer and she can't find them. I am sure you know that we used to have up to 8 at a time in her crib for her to find if she ever lost them during the night, and now we are down to 0 in the crib. The first couple of days were hard, she cried and cried with her hands up at her crib for a paci, and we would have to tell her they were all gone, and she would cry and cry. But now she is talking so much more and I think another week and maybe bye bye to the paci. Next project will be the potty chair!! Advice is welcome!! Last Monday was day 1, so tomorrow will be one week. Olivia is also now eating entire apples. She loves them, she says "Apple" and just walks around the house eating it. She is a fruit junkie, she now can go to the frige, we open the door and she'll go straight to the fruit drawer and grabs either an apple, grapes, blueberries, nanner or yogurt. I am glad that rather than cookies and such, I am at the produce section weekly re-stocking her supply. For the pool we got Olivia a "Puddle Jumper" life vest thing... from wal-mart. It is exactly what we wanted for her, and it works great. It is swimmies that wrap around her chest too. She loves it, wears it around the house too. I'll try and get pics next time she and Aaron are in the pool together. I can let go of her and she gets nervous.... she is still learning how to keep her balance in the pool, but next year she'll be a pro with regular swimmies.

1 comment:

Haley Elizabeth said...

Hi Kelly, that is great about the pacifier. I took Haley's away at 2 1/2. The I started to limitied it only to bedtime and naps at the beginning around 15 months. I never let her walk around with it. I really do think that is why she talked so well so early. I think it's great you are starting early. As for the potty, I tried to start potty training Haley at 20 months, but she didn't want anything to do with it. She would sit on it, but do nothing. Not until she was almost 2 1/2 she totally got the gist, and it was within like a month we had it down pat. They really have to understand and be capable pulling their pants up and down and getting what they are doing. She might be a little young, but it wont' hurt to sit her on the potty and show her what it is. Who knows she might even do something! Good luck, hope all this helps!