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September 6, 2009

Friday Nights @ the Campgrounds

Friday night Olivia and I ventured to the campgrounds to eat with my parents, Chuck, his girlfriend Amanda and her son Devin. Olivia and Devin played on the playground so hard she was sweaty afterwards. Supper was good and I brought my icecream sandwich dessert to share... they all loved it, even Papa, he ate 2 pieces! Olivia broke out one 2 Halloween shirts, I just ordered a bunch of 3T clothes from Children's Place and they are all soo adorable, I love buying new clothes for her, she doesn't deserve anything less :)

1 comment:

Haley Elizabeth said...

I didn't know you had all these pictures on here. It's not showing on anyone's blog that it's been updated. Weird!! Olivia's hair is getting so long and so cute! Gotta love tanturms. I never had to experience them with Haley at age 2, but age 3 they came. Now she just has these crying episodes if we scold her she'll just cry and go downt to the floor. I'm hoping it's yet another phase.