Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

October 17, 2009

23 Months Old

Today Olivia Rose turned 23 months old! Where has the last 2 years gone? Today we had a great day, first we had pictures in Ft. Jennings at 3:30 and then we went bowling in Leipsic with Nana, Papa, Ryley & Hunter! Unfortunately Aaron is working this weekend, and has missed out on all the activities.... but on another note Olivia did a great job at staying back while we bowled and had no interest in trying. She colored for a lil while and did have a fall off the chair and after that she found a balloon and played the rest of the time with it. Ryley only bowled one game and then played with her... it was bittersweet to see the 2 most important boys in my life play with Olivia... I often get sad that Olivia doesn't know many of her cousins, if they live too far or because of divorce... it is a sad situation not only for the twins but for all us that have to now take every chance we can to get to see them, talk to them or just sit back and watch them. Ryley and Hunter are so big now, turning into little men for sure. They are filling out in their faces and I just can't believe some of the stuff that I hear come out of their mouths.... just amazes me! Here are some pics!

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