Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

January 19, 2010

9 wk Ultrasound Pictures

Both of them together!
(l-r) Baby B heartbeat of 178 and is positioned more toward the back of me. Baby A heartbeat of 180 and is positioned more towads the front of me.
Baby A on top and Baby B on bottom snug inside mommy! Chilling together!


Britni said...

Amazing pics :)

The heart beats are high, I wonder if the old wives tale is true...maybe it's two girls?? Evan's heart beat was in the 160's the 1st ultrasound then went to the 140's/130's...both Ava & Ember were in the high 160's I think. Will you guys be finding out their sexes?

Haley Elizabeth said...

Aww, they look so cute. It was funny I just read Brit's comment. I just wrote to a friend of mine that is pregnant about the old wives tails about the heartbeats high for girl and low for boy. It looks like baby a is smaller than baby b, that makes me wonder if baby a is girl and baby is a boy though haha. So, I don't know!

Grandma VH said...

Congratulations!!! How exciting...You are very blessed.

Kelly said...

We are NOT finding out the sex of the twins. We prefer it that way and really it doesn't change what we have to buy... greens and yellows will work good. I am going to try and get a few newborn outfits since they will most likely be early, and then by the time November comes around, they will probably fit into alot of hte clothes we had for Olivia...winter clothes. We have a good selection of green and yellow up to 12 months.