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January 20, 2010

First OB Appointment

This morning I had my first OB appointment. I didn't get to hear the heartbeats but I did get a lot of questions answered. I have to take it super easy, and once I get farther along they will most likely limit my work and time on my feet. I know my mom has time that she is able to take to help out with Olivia if Aaron is working nights or days... for that in between time until he gets home. It is nice too, my mom works in Ottawa and she can help take Olivia to daycare... and I know Grandmas will help with taking Olivia to the park when weather gets nicer and stuff. I've cried the past 2 nights... I want to make sure I give Olivia all the attention she deserves... I am really scared with this pregnancy. I don't want Olivia to ever feel left out. I am crying now as I type this.... I just pray that everything goes okay!

Dr. Cole did mention that since Olivia was so big, that I might not notice right away that I am carrying two babies. Usually around 25 weeks patients start going every 2 weeks for check ups and once I hit 20 weeks I'll start going every 4 weeks for Ultrasounds. I am anxious to see how they grow and manage to fit inside me side by side. She also said that she was very happy to see that I went 40 weeks with Olivia, gained a small amount of weight and tried the no epidural... but she wanted to tell me that this time could be different. I've talked to 2 different moms who have twins... one delivered at 33 weeks 5 days and one delivered at 37 weeks. I pray that I can make it that far. Dr. Cole also said that if they notice me having troubles, blood preasure, contractions, cramping they will put me on bed rest ASAP!

Some things I have noticed already -
  • Shortness of breath
  • Increased urination
  • Small belly (started maternity pants yesterday)
  • Still have days that I feel very sick
  • Unable to sleep on my belly
  • Come 8:30 pm I am ready for bed
  • Unable to eat meat again... especially ground meat!
  • I am a little broke out on my face, I never had that with Olivia.
  • Already have had 2 cold sores

Next appt is at 13 weeks - February 18th! And we'll get to hear the heartbeats again!
Next Ultrasound is at 21 weeks - April 6th!!


Erica :o) said...

You will do great! And Olivia will be fine too. Just play games with her from the couch while having your feet propped up and drinking a huge glass of water. She will understand. Just take it easy and don't be scared to go get checked if you think something is different! I know that you will do great :o)

Britni said...

I'm glad you have connected with Erica through Blogger, she is a good one to help you since she has been in your shoes!

I don't know what it's like to be pregnant with twins but I do know those feeling you are talking about when you say you are worried about the attention you'll be able to give Olivia. While I was pregnant with Ember I cried a lot about that. I was sooo worried about it...I even cried during my labor with Ember because of my worries for her and here Ava immediately loved Ember as soon as she saw her and they are Best Friends!....and now I have Evan and both of our girls have been the same way....they are so in love with him....Olivia will love her new siblings and go into Mommy mode, just wait and see. You will have a HUGE helper to grab you burp cloths, bibs and diapers and they just love to feel like they are big enough to help you. I know with me part of the emotions were because I had a hard time thinking of Ava as not being the baby anymore...she was kind of forced to move into that big sister role and those transitions are always hard on me...but it all works out, don't worry :) I know you will do great!!

Britni said...

ps- As far as bed rest type of things I was hardly able to do anything because of my nerve problems and I wasn't able to drive anywhere the last month and a half of my pregnancy. The girls were sooo sweet to me. They knew I didn't feel good and were extra sweet and were like little nurses bringing me water , giving me blankets and giving tons of kisses and hugs. Olivia might just surprise you on how well she picks up on how you're feeling towards the end there :)

Haley Elizabeth said...

Kelly, I think all your worries are so normal. You have never carried twins before. It's just such a learning process. You just take it easy and like Erica said, if you have anything you feel like is different just go to the ER and get checked. It's easier to have your mind at ease. I think it's great you have a gotten in touch with multiples mothers. That will probably be one of the best things to help you out with your pregnancies. You will do great with this pregnancy. I know it's scary, but just remember your body has already had 1 so it knows what to do. You just take it easy and let people help you. I wish I was closer and I would help you out. Your brave and strong and everything will go wonderfully. Olivia will transition fine. Just talk about her being a the big sister and helping you out. She will be at the age she can bring you the diapers and wipes. She will flow right into it. She'll be just fine. Haley loves being the big sister. We really didn't see her act out at all. I think it was more b/c Daddy left like 6 weeks after Leah was born..but thanksfully that will not be your case. Good luck and if you ever need someone to vent to I'm here for you :)