Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

January 1, 2010

Olivia Rose will be a BIG SISTER in August!

Well the news is out! We are expecting baby #2 in August! We've been trying since May, and was kinda letting happen, happen! But after a few tests it showed that we once again was not producing decent eggs, so I had to go on Clomid again. In May I started with 50 mg and in November I was up to 150 mg. With a relaxing trip to Florida and a little help from the meds I am sure, we were finally successful! My projected due date is August 20th. But we have our first Ultrasound on January 15th at 2:00 pm. We are so excited to see the baby and hear the heart beat!!! Olivia is excited too...she already kisses my belly and points to it to show where the baby is. I have already noticed some pants tight... a bloating feeling almost. I am guessing it won't be long for the elastic pants to come out!!! ha ha! Keeping this in for almost 3 weeks has been hard... but we are excited!!


Britni said...

I am really excited for you and Aaron. I know how much you have looked forward to having more kids! I can't wait to find out if you are having a boy or girl! I love the shirt you chose for Olivia :)

Beth @ Through the Eyes of the Mrs. said...

Such exciting news! I am so happy for you all. I'm sure Olivia is ecstatic! Can't wait to find out if it will be a boy or girl!

Haley Elizabeth said...

Kelly I'm so happy for you!! I know how frustrating it is to try and try and try and nothing. We tried for like 8 months with Leah and then we gave up and we were pregnant and didn't even know it! It's such a blessing finally seeing that positive pregnancy test. I'm so glad for you guys. I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up with everyones blog! I'm going to try to get better at it now that I'm in Ohio for a few months. Anyway..Congratulations!! I cant wait to see belly pictures and baby ultrasound and baby pictures. I love Olivia's shirt. We had asuch a hard time finding a big sister one, but then my mom just found one at Kohl's for Christmas. We had a short sleeved one when Leah was born for Haley. Okay, I feel like I"m writing a book haha..Congrats!

Dave said...

oh my gosh congrats! and Olivia is so beautiful! i haven't seen her in so long bc you went private! she will be a great big sister!

Christy and Chad said...

So happy to hear your news!!!!