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February 20, 2010

14 Wk Ultrasound Pictures

We were able to get good pictures of Baby Tussing. The 2nd picture down you can clearly see it's hand/arm. Profile is easily seen.. he or she was kicking and moving all over. Had a heart rate of 154. Next Ultrasound is scheduled for March 3rd 2:00 pm. At the beginning of our appointment we also found out that my glucose test came back high! So now I will have to do a 3 day diet prior to getting more blood work done. I will be adding extra carbohydrates to meals for 3 days before taking another glucose tolerance test. I have to pick 1 thing from each list to add to my regular diet for 3 days.

List 1:
2 slices of bread
1 cup of cooked rice
1 cup of noodles cooked
2 corn tortillas

List 2:
10 oz Apple Juice
8 oz Grape Juice
2 small bananas
15 oz of Orange Juice

I will do that and go in on Tuesday and get blood drawn every hour on the hour for 3 hours. If this comes back high again then I'll have to go to a dietician to make sure I eat the right foods so we don't have too big of a baby.

We also found out that Bluffton no longer offers V-Bacs. So if I want Bluffton I do a c-section, if I want to try a V-Back then I go to Findlay. We'll play it by appointment and wait and see how big our baby gets. If as big as Olivia Rose, I'll opt for the C-section at Bluffton. And honestly I am pretty much 90% sure either way I'll choose Bluffton...I just can't get over how great their care is!


Christy and Chad said...

I'm all for c-sections, it's planned, I do my hair and makeup and less then 10-15 minutes later my baby is born and I still look good, ha:) No this 12 hour labor stuff. I'm hoping that Lydia stays put and doesn't decide to put Mommy through any sorts of labor.

Christy and Chad said...
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Diane C said...

I had both of my c-sections at Bluffton, one planned and the other not planned. I agree that their care is wonderful! From the anesthesiologist to the nurses and cooks....everyone there was so friendly. One of the cooks recognized Jadyn after two visits to see mommy and Jackson, she sent some extra cookies on my meal tray with a note that said how cute Jadyn was and that she deserved some cookies for becoming a big sister. How thoughtful is that!