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February 26, 2010

15 week OB Appt

Yesterday we saw the WONDERFUL Dr. Schutz!!! As soon as he came in and shook our hands I started to cry... and he had this look of "what did I say"... and I told him that I was soo nervous. He then started to explain to us about "Vanishing Twin Syndrome". That back in the day many women never knew they were carrying twins because they didn't have the technology they have now. He said that we are very lucky it happened earlier than later, because the twin that didn't make it could become a "poison" to the other baby if this would have happened 20+ weeks along. So I guess there is a reason for this all to happen, and after a long list of questions and wonderful answers from him we got to hear the heartbeat.... Dr. Schutz found it right away... I grabbed his arm and started to cry again. He left it on there longer then I ever remember with Olivia.... it ranged from 154 to 171 and he said that was great to see the variation in beats. It was the most wonderful sound in the world!!!! I also go the good news that my Glucose test came back normal... don't have to test again until 24/25 weeks. And I think I am pretty much talked into a C-section at Bluffton. It will be best for me and baby. I know that day will be emotional knowign that we could have had 2 babies to take home so I want as little stress as possible that day.

We go again next Wednesday for another Ultrasound and then will continue on the every 4 week appointments and next Ultrasound will be at 20 weeks in April. Thank you for all the prayers and God Bless!


Britni said...

So glad everything went well and that you baby has a strong healthy heart beat! You are doing great staying as positive...keep focusing on that beautiful little baby :)I can't wait to see whether you have a girl or boy! It's hard to guess with such a big range in heart beat! Evan's was in the 140/150's and both girls were in the upper 160's :)

Christy and Chad said...

I'm so glad to hear you had a great appointment. It's always nerve racking when you have been through an ordeal like you have just gone through, believe me I know what your going through. sounds like baby is doing great. Are you going to find out if your having a boy or a girl, you didn't find out last time did you???

Kelly said...

Nope, not finding out again... keepign it a surprise!!!